Issue - meetings

School Admissions

Meeting: 24/11/2010 - Children, Families & Education - Resources and Infrastructure Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)

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(Report by Mr G Ward Director, Capital Programme & Infrastructure, Ms R Turner, Managing Director and Mrs S Hohler, Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education)

(Mr S Bagshaw, Head of Admissions and Transport, was present for this item)

(1)         The Committee received a report on information requested at the last meeting regarding the numbers of children assessed suitable for admission to grammar school in the Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks areas in the academic year 2009?2010, and the schools they entered in September 2010.


(2)         Members were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments which included the following:


(3)         In answer to questions on whether there was higher intelligence cohort in West Kent than East Kent in light of there being a rise from the 25% cohort going to grammar to 45% following appeals in West Kent and whether there was a fundamental flaw in the system, Mrs Hohler responded saying that this could not be measured by percentages as many other factors contributed to children wanting to succeed.  It was key for successful education to strike a balance between those that do go to grammar school and those who do not.  There were some disappointments but most of those assessed as grammar did get a place following the appeals process.  The system may have flaws but the balance was right.  Mr Bagshaw advised that that these issues were regularly looked at by the Area Education Officers.


(4)         In reply to a question Mr Bagshaw advised that if a grammar school or any school wished to change its Pupil Admission Number (PAN) this would be a change of status to the school and they were required to consult.  During the consultation the impact on the neighbouring schools in the area would be looked at.  As the admissions authority KCC could object through the Secretary of State.  


(5)         In reply to a question, Mrs Hohler advised that the number of grammar school places was looked at all the time.  Popular schools, whatever their designation, were always oversubscribed.  She felt that it was important that a child went to a school appropriate to their ability.  Mr Bagshaw explained that it was expected that there would be further information in the government’s Education White Paper which was due to be published.


(6)         There was agreement to include a presentation on admissions too at the Members’ briefing in January 2011 on the Education White paper.


(7)         RESOLVED that:


(a) a presentation on admissions be included during the Members’    briefing in January 2011 be noted; and


   (b) the replies to questions by Members and the report be noted.