Issue - meetings

21/00012 - Post 16 Transport Policy 2021-22

Meeting: 09/03/2021 - Children's, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee (Item 239)

239 21/00012 - Post 16 Transport Policy 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 226 KB

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Craig Chapman (Interim Head of Fair Access) and David Adams (Interim Director for Education) were in attendance for this item.


1)    Mr Chapman introduced the report and it was noted that as the public consultation on the Post 16 Transport Policy 2021-22 had not been concluded at the time of the agenda publication, additional responses had been received and these would be circulated to Members.


2)    In response to questions, it was noted:


·       Regarding the operational process of 16 Plus Travel Saver Card or free school transport, evidence for fair access was provided from multiple sources and there was a flexible approach.

·       It was best practice that extenuating circumstances be taken into account when applying the policy.  Where all other options had been exhausted, additional support could be provided where a travel pass would not be suitable to meet the needs of post-16 child, in the same way as transport would be provided for a pre-16 child.


3)    RESOLVED to note the report.