Agenda and minutes

Sandwich Neighbourhood Forum - Thursday, 22nd May, 2008 7.00 pm

Venue: The Phoenix Centre, Jubilee Road, Sandwich CT13 0QP

Contact: Will Farmer  01622 696911

Note No. Item

7.00 pm


Welcome - Leyland Ridings to invite the Vice Chair to take the Chair

1a.    Apologies

1b.    Matters arising and notes from the last meeting.

1c.    Any Declaration of Interest


Cllr Sue Chandler thanked Leyland Ridings, took the Chair and welcomed everyone present to the meeting.


1a. Apologies



1b. Matters Arising:

Community Transport: A business plan is being developed for a ‘Wheels to Work’ Scheme in the Ash area and trying to get funding.  


1c. Declarations of Interest:


7.05 pm


Tackling Climate Change in Kent

Alison Cambray, Climate Change Project Manager, Kent County Council; will provide a brief overview of what she does on behalf of KCC on tackling climate change in Kent and who KCC are working with at both district and local levels.


Alison Cambray, Climate Change Project Manager, Kent County Council was in attendance for this item.


Alison gave a presentation on the impact of climate change in the county; her role and the work she does on behalf of KCC on reducing the impact of climate change in Kent; and who KCC are working with at district and local levels.


Kent is likely to be badly affected due to its long coastline, population demographic; location in South East and proximity to Europe. The climate is already changing and this has implications for design standards and infrastructure. KCC is following a twin-track approach.  


7.10 pm


Reducing the impact of Climate Change

Shaun Cline, Energy Efficiency Officer, Dover District Council; will give a short overview on his role in Dover District Council and what the council has done to reduce the impact of climate change.


Shaun Cline, Energy Efficiency Officer, Dover District Council was in attendance for this item.


Shaun spoke about his role within Dover District Council and what the council is doing to reduce the impact of climate change.  He gave brief background to the duties placed on local authorities by the Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 and Energy Conservation Act 1996[i].  Fuel poverty: Dover district has the highest proportion of homes in Kent hard to heat.  The Council has a website and advice line. Shaun gave examples of micro-generation[ii] such as wind turbines and air and water source heat pumps.


DDC is looking to implement a Carbon Reduction Management Programme and will then sign a Climate Change Declaration (similar to the Nottingham declaration).  The Council is also looking at introducing a Code for Sustainable Homes.


A Climate Change Officer post has been ratified but not yet appointed.


[i]     These placed a duty on local authorities to:

·        Promote energy efficiency

·        Eliminate fuel poverty

·        Report energy efficiency savings to the Government


[ii]    Micro-generation - is the generation of zero/lower carbon heat and power by individual householders, small businesses and communities to meet their own needs.  Micro-generation includes small-scale wind turbines, water turbines, ground source heat pumps, solar thermal collectors, solar electricity and micro CHP installations.

7.15 pm


The Deal with It campaign

Rosie Rechter, Deal With It Campaign; will talk about how individuals can make a difference at a local level by giving information on what her organisation has achieved.


Rosie Rechter, Deal With It campaign, was in attendance for this item.


Rosie spoke on how she got involved the Deal With It Campaign.  She spoke of the need to get out into the community and encourage everyone to accept individual responsibility and take small steps – which add up to make a big difference.  This campaign has been extremely successful; banning bags is a visible and easy exercise to raise community awareness of environmental issues.  Hopefully, people will now start thinking about other changes they can make. 

7.20 pm


Group sessions

The presenters will then join the tables to discuss the issues, concerns and ideas on what can be achieved locally to tackle the impact of climate change to reduce carbon emissions and preparing to adapt to             change, including what assistance would be needed and from where to achieve this.


Each table was asked the following questions:-


Tackling Climate Change


1.      Do you have any questions you would like to ask about climate change?

2.      Thinking about what you have heard, what is your vision for how you would like Kent to respond to climate change?  What is important to you about life in Kent in the future? 


Responses included:-


There was limited discussion on what they would like Kent to be like or on Climate change but the

Tables focused on actions and what could be done

Should be addressed by USA/China/India as well, but important that UK set standard


        localve effects of climate change:  N. Deal sea flooding, possibly to Sandwich.

        local +ve effects of climate change:  Broad Oak reservoir scheme being looked at again (but very long  term)


        Individual small actions do help to raise public awareness (e.g. ban plastic bags)      

        More carrot, less stick approach = active encouragement and support, publicising targets reached, will incentivise others.

        small groups which can bring pressure on local Councils. Pressure from individuals and communities for action on climate change will put pressure on Councils and Government to put serious money into policies and actions.

        Constant messages of doom and gloom are a turn-off. Add some focus on positives.

        Nationwide small groups ultimately pressure Government to change

        Make government more local, increase the political will, politicians should look at the long term not just to elections.

        No time to take an incremental approach;

        Don’t play at recycling, get serious and enforce. 

        Have realistic, tangible, clear targets.

        KCC needs to practically support initiatives by funding rather than promises.

        Incineration and landfill produces more CO² than is saved by recycling

        Wingham Issues: listed buildings and no insulation; tried holding an open day about 6-months ago but poorly attended;

        Indivdual’s taking small steps can lead to bigger actions;

        St. Margaret’s Pines Calyx is an excellent example of an eco-build house and raising national interest.  Hoping to obtain planning permission to set up as a demonstration home in the area, so that people can see how their homes can be improved;

        Planning Restrictions – DDC is working on these;

        Basic barriers to making a lifestyle change – cost; how low can you get the price for people to be willing to change?

        Is there a suppliers scheme?

        Village energy club or car club;

        Lack of willingness to volunteer;

        Themed project or activity: achieve quick wins and save money;

        Encourage take-up of grants;

        More information needed from DDC and KCC

        Want to carry on trying to do something – could form the “Wingham Warmers”


Reducing Impact of Climate Change


1.      Do you know your carbon footprint?  Are you already taking steps to reduce your carbon footprint?

2.      What more could be done in your area


·              By individual people?

·              By local communities and parish councils?

·              By councils  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.

8.45 pm


Summary of the Evening

Feedback from each of the tables on what was discussed and the priorities identified to be taken away and actioned.

8.55 pm


Dates for future meetings

24th July – Ash Village Hall, theme: Supporting Independence for Older People

9th October 2008 – venue and theme to be confirmed

5th February 2009 – Guildhall, Sandwich, theme to be confirmed


24th July 2008           Ash Village Hall, theme: Independence and Support for Older People

9th October 2008      Venue and topic to be confirmed

5th February 2009    Venue and topic to be confirmed