Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 19th November, 2019 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Joel Cook/Anna Taylor  03000 416892/416478


No. Item


Apologies and Substitutes

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Apologies had been received from Mrs Dean, Mr Farrell, Mr Garsed (Parent Governor) and Mr Roper (Church Representative).  Mr Chittenden substituted for Mrs Dean and Ms Paterson substituted for Mr Roper. 


The Chairman noted the absence, without apologies, of two of the Church Representatives and asked that a note be sent to them asking whether they wish to remain on the Scrutiny Committee. 


Declarations of Interests by Members in items on the Agenda for this Meeting

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Dr Sullivan declared an interest, as her husband was employed by the County Council in the Early Help and Prevention Team.


Minutes of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 26 July 2019 pdf icon PDF 142 KB

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RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2019 were a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman. 


Minutes of the reconvened meeting of the Pupil Premium Select Committee held on 2 September 2019 pdf icon PDF 182 KB

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The Chairman noted that the information requested on 2 September had not been received and asked that this be provided to the Scrutiny Research Officer, for circulation to the Scrutiny Committee before the next meeting on 18 December 2019. 


RESOLVED that the minutes of the reconvened meeting of the Pupil Premium Select Committee held on 2 September be noted. 


Review of the Planned Provision of School Places within the Thanet Area pdf icon PDF 190 KB

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Mr R Gough, Leader of the Council, Mr R Long, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, Mr P Carter, Kate Greig, Chair of Thanet Secondary Schools and Headteacher at King Ethelbert School and Paul Luxmoore, CEO Coastal Academies Trust were present for this item.


1.         The Chairman welcomed the guests and invited them to introduce themselves and to explain why they were present.  He explained that the Scrutiny Committee had no facility to overturn or change the decision made but that there was the ability to make comments back to the Executive for consideration.    


2.         The Chairman referred to the supporting exempt information supplied via email and confirmed that this should be dealt with appropriately and not passed on to any third party. 


3.         Mr Carter, as the Executive Member who signed the decision explained the background to his decision, including the necessity for more education provision in Thanet, projected and delivered housing numbers and the projection of future rolls in schools.  Mr Carter had met with the Thanet Headteachers to explore their views around alternatives to building the Royal School for the Deaf and it was considered that there was a better solution for young people in Thanet and the ability to make better use of public money in expanding existing schools.  He confirmed that there were proposed highway improvement works catering for increased pupils at King Ethelbert and Ursuline Schools.  Mr Carter commented on the impressive team of Headteachers in Thanet who were educating some of the most difficult and challenging young people in Kent, but the schools were on a positive trajectory. 


4.         Mr Carter considered that less capital could be spent resulting in a better solution, the schools in question in Thanet were not running at net capacity and where schools ran an overprovision there was a detrimental effect on school budgets. 


5.         The projected numbers had not been as anticipated and it was considered that this was the right option, Mr Carter wished to find a way of finishing the Hartsdown School renovation and ensuring that vocational education was accessible for young people who were struggling academically in years 10 and 11. 


6.         The Leader clarified the process in terms of assessing numbers of pupils coming into schools in Thanet.  In 2014 there were rising rolls in primary and since then there had been a shortfall in housing and double counting within the data provided by the NHS.  There was also a shift in migration figures with net inward migration; this was less than previously and less than projected.  KCC’s process in relation to this had been robust; however there had been a major change from the data presented by the NHS.


7.           Ms Greig explained her work with the Thanet Skills Studio, this needed to be collaborative and ensure that all schools were involved.  Funding was needed to improve the facilities at Hartsdown.  The school was rated by Ofsted as Requires Improvement but with good leadership.  The Headteachers wanted to use the available money  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.