Agenda item

Kent Highways Services and the Process for Local Member Input

Mr N Chard, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste; and Mr D Hall, Head of Transport and Development, will attend the meeting from 11.30 am to 12 noon to answer Members’ questions on this item.


Mr N Chard, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste and Mr D Hall, Head of Transport and Development were present for this item.


The Chairman explained that the process for local Member input into Highways issues was the subject of a recent County Council question, a copy of which had been tabled for Members’ information; the issue had been called to the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee by all three groups. 


Mr Manning expressed his view that the answers given at the County Council meeting posed more questions than they answered.  Mr Manning asked how the new operating structure would work, and how the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview Committee would be able to play a proactive role in the process.  He also questioned the way the decision to disband the Highways Advisory Board was taken and how the change had been implemented. 


Mr Chard explained that when he was made Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste he was made aware that the Highways Advisory Board no longer existed and that its role would be undertaken by the Policy Overview Committee.  The Joint Transportation Boards were a valuable group which it was hoped would be strengthened.  Where contentious issues were raised at a Joint Transportation Board it was important for someone to take a strategic view before the decision was taken.  It was felt that the Highways Advisory Board was not adding any great value to the process and it was delaying the implementation of decisions.  Under the current structure contentious issues could be referred from the Joint Transportation Board to the Policy Overview Committee. 


Mr Hotson asked for confirmation that discussions would be had with the District Councils to enter into new agreements to reflect the changes made when the Highways Advisory Board was subsumed into the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview Committee.  Mr Chard confirmed that he would ensure that the correct process was followed. 


Mr Christie raised his concerns that there should be a forum (previously the Highways Advisory Board) at which the Joint Transportation Board could put forward their case to an elected body before a recommendation was made.  He understood from previous answers by the Cabinet Member that this forum would now be the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview Committee, but were the JTBs aware?   Mr Chard explained that previously there had been poor communication between the Joint Transportation Board Chairmen and the Cabinet Member.  A meeting had been held recently between those parties and there was a desire to hold a seminar (4 November 2009) on the Scheme Prioritisation System and meetings would continue.  There was now also the ability for the Cabinet Member to email District, Parish and Town Council Members to share information and there was the option for regular updates on road closures etc.  Mr Chard would seek clarification on the mechanism for putting items from the Joint Transportation Board onto the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview Committee agenda. 


Mr R. King had concerns about the demise of the Kent Transport Board; there was a need for a forum in Kent to discuss the strategic issues of transport policy.  Mr Chard stated that the Integrated Transport Strategy was due to be published, the Policy Overview Committee would then have an opportunity to debate the strategy, there was a good opportunity for the Policy Overview Committee to look at the integration of all methods of transport. 


Mr Bayford asked who decided which items were ‘contentious’, was it possible for someone on the Joint Transportation Board to put an item on the Policy Overview Committee agenda if they were not a KCC Member?  Mr Chard explained that it was possible for non KCC Members to put items on the Policy Overview Committee agenda and further discussions to clarify that point would be had following the meeting.    Mrs Dean asked whether the Policy Overview Committee had the capacity to accommodate some of the detailed contentious items raised by the Joint Transportation Board, and pointed out that the Policy Overview Committee had the ability to set up sub-committees to deal with issues which required a faster decision.  Mr Sass confirmed that he would work with the Cabinet Member and Officers to produce some guidance on ‘contentious’ issues and how issues would be referred on to the Policy Overview Committee. 


Mr Horne supported the Joint Transportation Boards but Officer representation and Membership of the boards was crucial for their success.  Mr Chard explained that it was important to understand the views of local communities, it is the opportunity for local Members to provide local knowledge and that was a valuable role in the process. 


It was suggested that the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee review the issue again in six months time to see how the process was working.  Mr Chard confirmed that he raised the issues with the Chairmen of the Joint Transportation Board and he would welcome a review in six months time. 



RESOLVED that the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee:


  1. Thank Mr N. Chard and Mr D. Hall for attending the meeting and answering Members’ questions


  1. Welcome the assurance of the Cabinet Member that Joint Transportation Boards will continue to meet


  1. Expresses concern that the decision to subsume the Highways Advisory Board into the Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee had not been sufficiently thought through and without back bench Member involvement, with particular reference to the role of the Joint Transportation Boards.


  1. Requests that the Cabinet Member, in consultation with the Head of Democratic Services and Local Leadership and highways officers consider the following matters:


  1. The process for ensuring that contentious matters emanating from Joint Transportation Boards are placed before the Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee, including specific guidance on what constitutes a “contentious” matter


  1. The appropriate amendments that need to be made to the various agreements in place between the County Council and District/Borough Councils with regard to the composition and operation of Joint Transportation Boards


  1. The frequency of Environment, Highways and Waste Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings, and whether they can accommodate the need to raise individual highways issues.


  1. The outcome of these discussions be reported to the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee.


  1. Welcome the Cabinet Member’s assurance that he would take the views of the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee on board and that the issue should be reviewed again by the Cabinet Scrutiny Committee in 6 months time.


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