Agenda item

Update on Referral to the Secretary of State for Health


(1)       The Committee had before them a letter from Andrew Lansley CBE, Secretary of State for Health dated 1 July 2010 which had appended to it the advice of the Independent Reconfiguration Panel to whom the Committee’s referral had been sent by the former Secretary of State for Health.


(2)       The Chairman invited Mr Wickenden to read to the Committee a letter he had received via e-mail from the South East Coast Strategic Health Authority (as the meeting had progressed) to Helen Grant the Member of Parliament for Maidstone and the Weald from the Secretary of State for Health dated 23 July 2010.


(3)       In summary and for the purposes of the debate which followed Mr Lansley had clarified that implementation of the reconfiguration of Women’s and Children’s Services was to be implemented. However, he had asked for one report back by the end of September from the South East Coast Strategic Health Authority (SHA) following the further discussions which would be led by the SHA with all stakeholders on the revised criteria for reconfigurations and the ten points of referral made by this Committee which could be resolved locally.


(4)       During the discussion which followed the Committee’s attention was drawn to an article which had been published in the Maidstone edition of the Kent Messenger that morning of a local mother who had given birth to her child on route to the Medway Maritime Hospital having been diverted from Tunbridge Wells when it was indicated to her that Maidstone could not accommodate the mother for the birth of her child. Mr Wickenden informed the Committee that he had been notified the previous evening by the press officer to the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust that this article was to be published. He had indicated to Mr Wickenden that the local health economy was carrying out a thorough investigation into this case.


(5)       Members discussed and expressed a range of views including:-


  • the need for an urgent meeting in the Maidstone area to enable the public to attend and express their views;
  • Maidstone Members of the Committee were clear that they wanted a full consultant led maternity service at Maidstone Hospital; and
  • The decision by the Secretary of State had been made, the role of the HOSC in making the referral had been exercised and the role of the HOSC now was as a stakeholder to influence the SHA to ameliorate the concerns of Maidstone residents and the surrounding area.


(6)       The Chairman indicated that he was very disappointed at the response of the Independent Reconfiguration Panel which was commissioned by the former Secretary of State for Health. He added that one of the prime functions of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to champion the patient voice and reduce health inequalities across the County.


(7)       He suggested to the Committee that the Committee should indicate that it is not satisfied that the ten points of referral have been adequately dealt with and the Committee would be working with its partners to press the new Secretary of State for Health to address these points in greater detail.


(8)       The Health Overview and Scrutiny will now need to work within the process laid down by the Secretary of State for Health to influence the SHA report to ameliorate the concerns of Maidstone residents and its surrounding hinterland.


(9)       RESOLVED: - That the Chairman, in consultation with the Vice Chairman, Liberal Democrat and Labour Group spokesmen shall prepare a letter on behalf of the Committee to send to the Secretary of State setting out the views expressed by the Committee and that this letter should be circulated to Members of the Committee before being sent to the Secretary of State for Health.





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