Agenda item

Update from the Kent Drug and Alcohol Partnership

To receive a report that provides information about changes to the governance of the Kent Drug and Alcohol Partnership, the latest Kent drug and alcohol strategy which is out for public consultation and summarises the key findings from the recently completed health needs assessments for drugs and alcohol


(1)       Jessica Mookherjee (Public Health Consultant), Assistant Constable Tim Woodhouse and Neil Wickens (Head of Policy Co-ordination and Research – Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office) introduced the report which provided an overview of: changes to the governance of the Kent Drug and Alcohol Partnership (KDAP); the latest Kent drug and alcohol strategy; and key findings from the recent health needs assessments for drugs and alcohol as well as performance data relating to substance misuse.


(2)       Ms Mookherjee referred, in particular, to section 2 of the report which set out changes in governance arrangements and to section 4 which set out information about the previous drug and alcohol strategy and the new one which was out for consultation.  She also said that about £13m was spent on drug and alcohol related services in Kent and acknowledged the small, but significant, contribution to the budget made by the Police and Crime Commissioner.


(3)       Assistant Chief Constable Woodhouse said that Kent Police had a focus on reducing the impact of drug and alcohol related crime on communities and were keen to play a role in the partnership as it was a way of achieving a long term sustainable outcome.  He said the Police focussed on organised crime and tried to divert young people away from the criminal justice system by referring them to pathways set out in the Drug and Alcohol Strategy.


(4)       In response to a question he said that commissioners of services were involved in the Kent Drug and Alcohol Partnership and that ways of further involving clinicians would be welcomed.


(5)       The Drug and Alcohol Strategy was welcomed by the Board and the following comments were made.


(i)            Additional training and support for NHS staff (such as dentists) had been provided to assist with identifying hidden use of drugs and alcohol.


(ii)          The work being undertaken in custody suites to deliver Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBAs) interventions as well as the support provided for those being released from custody was recognised.


(iii)         As the budgets for treatment services were reducing the focus was on providing services to dependent drinkers.


(iv)         The previous strategy had a target of completing 97,000 IBAs and by October 2016 125,000 had been carried out.


(v)          An appropriate balance between treatment and enforcement was essential as the illegal supply of drugs and alcohol also had to be tackled.


(vi)         Data suggested that the need for services had extended beyond the traditional areas of need and, for example, professional women were at greater risk of alcohol-related illness than they had been 14 years ago.


(vii)        Data relating to the health care costs of drug and alcohol dependency could be provided for each CCG.


(6)       Mr Wickens said the Police and Crime Commissioner placed considerable emphasis on mental health issues including issues relating to drugs and alcohol.  He said the Police and Crime Commissioner supported and endorsed the governance arrangements of KDAP and the new drug and alcohol strategy.


(7)       Resolved that:


(a)       The governance arrangements of KDAP be endorsed;


            (b)       The consultation period be noted;


(c)        Members of the Board would respond to the consultation with more detailed comments.

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