Agenda item

20/00022 - The provision of Supported Lodgings and Staying Put accommodation for Children and Young People aged 16-21 years (or up to 25 if in further education)


Ms Smith (Assistant Director for Corporate Parenting) and Ms Holden (Lead Children’s Commissioner) were in attendance for this item


Officers responded to comments and questions from Members, including the following: -


(1)        Ms Holden explained the rationale behind the proposal and provided further detail to Committee Members in relation to the full review which had taken place over the last year which looked more closely at some of the changes that had taken place as a result of the restructure of Integrated Children's Services. She added that an update could be provided to Committee Members in November 2020. Members of the Committee generally supported this.


(2)        Ms Holden confirmed that the proposal was not an extension to the current contract, but an extension to the current arrangements.


(3)        Mr Dunkley emphasised the importance of ensuring that vulnerable children and young people continued to be protected and supported. Ms Smith reiterated comments made by Mr Dunkley and referred to the transition process for vulnerable care leavers and young people.


(4)        Mr Long explained section 6.1 of the report in further detail, focusing on future TUPE arrangements and the impact that the arrangements could have on staff.


(5)        Mrs Chandler re-emphasised Ms Smith’s comments and said that the key focus was ensuring the stability of the service whilst it transfers Kent’s most vulnerable young people. She reassured Members of the Committee that the contract’s progress would be reviewed and maintained regularly.


(6)        RESOLVED that the Children’s, Young People and Education Cabinet Committee recommend the following changes to the proposed decision:


-          In part (ii) of the decision, limit contract extension to 6 months.

-          In part (iii) of the decision, explicitly require consultation with the Cabinet Member on delegated decisions relating to the establishment of the in-house service.


(i)    agree to the continuation of Supported Lodgings and Staying Put accommodation for Children and Young People aged 16-21 years (or up to 25 if in further education) through a change of delivery from contracted provision to being managed in-house


(ii)  agree to a short extension of 6 months to the current contract that expires on 31 May 2020 to enable the changes to take place; and


(iii)delegate decisions about the establishment of the new service to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, or other Officer as instructed by the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services.


Dr Sullivan and Mr Chittenden asked that their vote against part (ii) of the proposed changes to the recommendation be recorded.


(7)        RESOLVED that the proposed decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services to:


(i)    agree to the continuation of Supported Lodgings and Staying Put accommodation for Children and Young People aged 16-21 years (or up to 25 if in further education) through a change of delivery from contracted provision to being managed in-house;


(ii)  agree to a short extension of no more than nine months to the current contract that expires on 31 May 2020 to enable the changes to take place; and


(iii)delegate decisions about the establishment of the new service to the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education, or other Officer as instructed by the Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education,


be endorsed.


Supporting documents: