Agenda item

Verbal updates by Cabinet Member and Director


1)    The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, Mrs Bell, gave an update on the following issues:


·       All 24 Covid-19 symptom-free testing sites remained open and the full list of sites was available on the website. Some testing sites had reduced their opening hours to reflect demand and to make best use of resources.  As of 5 March, 390,789 symptom-free Covid-19 tests had been conducted. Over 2516 positive cases had been identified, meaning that these asymptomatic individuals were able to self-isolate, reducing the spread of virus to others. It was recommended that people get tested every 2 weeks.


·       Kent Fire and Rescue were launching a new publication as part of their ‘Safe and Well’ home visit service.  The publication would be provided for around 5000 Kent and Medway residents on a twice-yearly basis, many of whom were 70+ years, had disabilities or long-term health conditions. KCC placed an advert for the ‘One You’ Kent service in the first edition of the magazine.  KCC would be sharing a half page with Medway Council for a Public Health theme in future editions.


·       No Smoking Day was on 10 March 2021. KCC was promoting ‘Quit for Covid’ with assistance from ‘One You’ services and the ‘My Quit Route’ app. Rates of smoking in the county had fallen from 15% in 2018 to 13.7% in 2020, a record low. The ‘My Quit Route’ app was available via Google, Apple stores and the ‘One You Kent’ website.


·       KCC was promoting No Smoking Day via its social media channels. KCC was also supporting a local NHS campaign run by Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance to raise awareness around persistent coughs being a sign of cancer as well as for Covid-19.


·       On World Obesity Day on 4 March, the government announced £100million of national funding for healthier weight support services.  £70million was to be invested in weight management support services made available through the NHS and local authorities. £30million would fund initiatives to help people maintain a healthy weight including access to a free NHS 12-week weight loss plan app and continuation of the successful ‘Better Health’ marketing campaign. 62.4% of Kent adults were classified as overweight or obese.  KCC awaited to hear how the national funding would be rolled out locally.


·       Overweight or obese children were more likely to be overweight or obese as adults and increasing their risk of heart disease and some cancers, while more young people than ever were developing type 2 diabetes. The Change4life campaign encouraged parents to make everyday swaps to reduce children’s sugar intake and were encouraged to look for the ‘Change4Life - good choice’ badge in shops, to download the free food scanner app and more information was available on KCC's website:


·       Advice and support for lifestyles changes was available on the ‘One You Kent’ service website:


·       There was a meeting of the Kent and Medway Health & Wellbeing Board scheduled for 10 March to update on the Covid-19 local outbreak control plan and also on the agenda was the strategic plan to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on health inequalities. It was intended that this would be the focus of the Board’s work in the year ahead.  The report being presented would outline the progress to date which included scoping the data, statistical and analytical support required by the strategy, mapping existing activity to reduce health inequalities and discussion as to how oversight and governance of initiatives could be brought together. KCC were taking over the chairmanship of the Board in May 2021.


·       Mr Scott-Clark’s retirement from his role as Director for Public Health at KCC had been announced. Thanks were given and he was wished luck for the future.


2)    The Director for Public Health, Mr Scott-Clark gave an update on the following issues:


·       KCC had not received details from central government regarding the ringfenced grant allocation for Public Health for the next financial year. This was eagerly anticipated as it was important for planning the way forward.


·       An NHS white paper had been published in February on improving social care entitled ‘Integration and Innovation- working to improve health and social care for all’.  Kent Public Health had led the way on collaborative and partnership arrangements with KCHFT and Tunbridge Wells & Maidstone NHS Trust.  It was intended that a full report would be brought to a County Council meeting.


·       Thanks were given to KCC staff and the Public Health teams who had worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic.


3)    Members agreed to note the updates.