ePetition details

Fight for Richborough, Keep Our Recycling

We the undersigned petition the council to decide to keep the Household waste recycling facility at Richborough, near Sandwich

The Richborough facility is well run and well used by residents in Ramsgate, Cliffsend and Broadstairs.
Any closure will increase pressure on other facilities and increase flytipping

On reaching 1000 signatures the matter will be referred to the most appropriate local level meeting (e.g. Local Board, Locality Board or Joint Transportation Board)

This ePetition ran from 14/02/2012 to 22/03/2012 and has now finished.

567 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

As you will be aware the review of Household Waste Recycling Centres including the proposal to close the Richborough site was reported to Cabinet as a key decision in March. Cabinet were informed of a separate paper-based petition of over 1000 signatures which sought, similarly to the e-petition, that a decision to retain the Richborough Household Waste Recycling Centre be made. As a consequence of the larger petition, the matter was subsequently debated at the County Council Meeting on 29 March 2012.

I can advise that I have now taken the formal decision to close both the Richborough and Hawkinge sites as soon as financially, contractually and/or operationally viable. The complete record of the decision can be viewed at the following link:


Please be assured that I have carefully reviewed all information and consultation responses before drawing to this conclusion.

Best regards
Bryan Sweetland
Environment, Highways & Waste