Issue details

20/00027 - Clean Up Kent and Public Realm Improvements


Withdrawn by service as initial proposition was developed in a pre-covid economic context.



Proposed Decision:


a)            Approve a programme of works to deliver a range of projects to ‘clean up’ Kent and to improve the public realm  across Kent


b)            Approve the proposed funding allocations and project development arrangements required to support and deliver the programme; and


c)            Delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Growth Environment and Transport to take relevant actions, including but not limited to, entering into relevant contracts, legal arrangements or other arrangements, as necessary to implement this decision.





Kent’s Future, Our Priority’ will become Kent County Council’s new 5 Year Plan, to replace the previous strategic statement ‘Increasing Opportunities, Improving Outcomes (2015-2020)’. The Plan is structured around seven outcomes which reflect the key things that residents and businesses said were essential to a good quality of life in Kent. One of the seven outcomes is,  ‘A cleaner and greener Kent.’  


A key message from the recent public consultation was that residents care about the places they live in, they are proud of where they live, and want to protect these places by looking after the quality, maintenance and cleanliness of our physical environment, especially town centres, local streets, beaches, public rights of way and green spaces.




It was also clear from the public consultation that residents wantedthe County to be clear how it will deliver the plan. This detail is contained within the 5-Year Plan objectives including working with partners to improve the quality of Kent’s public realm.  It is intended that a range of physical improvements will be developed, in conjunction with local stakeholders to reflect different priorities  but will be targeted at cleaning up and improving the quality and appearance of the public realm.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure or savings of more than £1m;

Decision status: Withdrawn

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/03/2020

Decision due: Not before 14th Apr 2020 by Cabinet
Reason: In order that the proposed decision can be published for a minimum of 28 days in accordance to statutory requirements

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health

Lead director: Barbara Cooper

Contact: Simon Jones, Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport 0300 411683 Email:


The decision is based on consultation feedback from the 5 Year Plan. Consultation included targeted workshops and a public consultation. Members were also involved via a cross-party Member workshop and political group briefings. The Leader also wrote personally to key partners to welcome their views in the consultation.


The proposed decision will be discussed at the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee on 31 March and final decision will be taken at Cabinet on 27 April 2020.

Financial implications: An allocation for funding has been made from the Growth for Strategic Statement Priorities revenue budget line. There is also potential for Districts and Boroughs to match fund.

Legal implications: There are no legal implications arising from the decision.

Equalities implications: • Equalities implications Equalities Implications: There are no equality implications directly arising from the decision. An EqIA will be undertaken for individual projects as they are developed. Data Protection implications No personal data will be collected, therefore there are no data protection implications.