Decision details

23/00092 - Kent Family Hub Model - Implementation

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes




Reason for the decision


KCC (Kent County Council) is seeking to implement a Family Hub model of support in line with the standards of service delivery set by the Department for Education (DfE). This includes transforming our current Open Access offer into a 0-19 (0-25 SEND) Family Hub model  including direct work, outreach support and a digital offer for infants, children, young people and their parents and carers.


As part of this, we propose to move from the current standalone Children Centre & Youth Hub model. We propose to implement a Family Hub approach, providing a single point of access in an area, to a range of KCC and partner agency services which will include universal and targeted services, delivered either face to face, or through a digital offer or via community outreach. As highlighted in the Family Hub Consultation and the Kent Communities Programme consultation, the model is designed to operate at a reduced number of sites – there would be a reduction in the number of existing sites that offer Children’s Centre and Youth services.




Option 1: Do not implement the Family Hub model


This would mean the Local Authority would not meet the minimum expectations set by the DfE in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding, with the associated risk of losing c£11m of additional funding. If this were to occur, we would not be able to offer any additionality to our existing services. 


Option 2: Deliver the mandatory enhanced services set out by the DfE


We will continue to deliver a 0-19 (25 SEND) Family Hub model offering enhanced services only in the DfE mandated areas set out in the following Key Decisions taken by the Cabinet Members for Integrated Children’s Services and Adult Social Care and Public Health. 


Families will still have access to Family Hub staff members who will be able to offer them assistance in finding the help that they need to access local services through signposting only. If we proceed with this option, we will meet the grant requirements for the DfE, as set out in Appendix 2.


Option 3: Wider Family Hub offer


We will continue to deliver a 0-19 (25 SEND) Family Hub model offering enhanced services in the DfE mandated areas set out in the following Key Decisions taken by the Cabinet Members for Integrated Children’s Services and Adult Social Care and Public Health.  In addition, we will offer the 7 services we consulted on below that service users felt they might most use:


·         Education for parents on child development   

·         Activities for children aged 0-5   

·         Activities for older children and young people   

·         Information, advice and guidance about support services for children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)    

·         Information and signposting to mental health services (children and adults)   

·         Support for parents/carers of adolescents (teenagers)   

·         Online safety for children and young people   


Option 4: Deliver a Family Hub model through a developed Family Hub Network. Our preferred option.


KCC will continue to deliver a 0-19 (25 SEND) Family Hub Model offering enhanced services in the DfE mandated areas set out in Key Decisions taken by the Cabinet Members for Integrated Children’s Services and Adult Social Care and Public Health. 


As outlined in option 3, the following services will be delivered by Family Hub practitioners:


·         Education for parents on child development   

·         Activities for children aged 0-5   

·         Activities for older children and young people   

·         Information, advice and guidance about support services for children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)    

·         Information and signposting to mental health services (children and adults)   

·         Support for parents/carers of adolescents (teenagers)   

·         Online safety for children and young people   


In addition to these, we will also ensure that the remaining 4 services (which are outlined below) are accessible through the Family Hub model. The additional specialist services in option 4 will be delivered through partnership working with the VCS and partners (the Family Hub Network).

·         Support for young people with substance misuse (alcohol/drugs)    

·         Domestic abuse support   

·         Debt and welfare advice   

·         Signposting to information to support separating and separated parents  


Option 4 is our preferred option because we recognise the importance of all 11 services following feedback from the consultation and within our Family Hub model we are in a position to offer, in an innovative and consistent way across the county, to deliver joined up services to meet the need of children, young people and families.


How the proposed decision supports the Strategic Statement:


The Family Hub model fits with KCC’s ‘Securing Kent’s Future – Budget Recovery Strategy’. The model of delivery would proactively evidence the best value for money in decision making. Sustainability and best value is at the core of all decisions and design of the Family Hub model to ensure services can be delivered beyond the life of the Family Hub grant and elements will work within KCC’s new budgetary requirements. The model would continue to be developed with community involvement and knowledge of the new budgetary requirements.




KCC ran a public consultation which included proposals for the implementation of a Family Hub model between 19 July and 13 September 2023. Officers have analysed consultation responses and taken these fully into account in developing proposals. A final decision will be subject to consideration of consultation feedback by the decision-maker.


Financial Implications


The Family Hub Grant from the DfE totals to £11,051,715 over a 3-year period and will be distributed across a number of programme strands.


The transformation project is entirely funded by DfE grant monies but long-term service delivery will have to be funded through base budget – therefore the model must be sustainable and this has influenced the model development.


Overall Grant allocation by DfE funded areas:


Programme Strand

Total Grant

Family Hubs Transformation Funding? - PROGRAMME


Family Hubs Transformation Funding? - CAPITAL


Parent-Infant Relationships and Perinatal Mental Health?


Parenting Support?


Infant Feeding?


Early Language and Home Learning Environment?


Publishing the Start for Life Offer?


Parent and Carer Panels?






Existing Service cost:


The current affected service cost is £11.9 M. This includes a range of different funding streams including Public Health and the Dedicated Schools Grant.



Data Protection implications


The Data Protection Impact Assessment will be reviewed as the Family Hub model develops.





Cabinet agree to:


a)    Approve the implementation of the Family Hub model in Kent, as per the arrangements set out in the report.


b)    Approve the development and delivery of the workstreams detailed within the Start for Life and Family Hub programme.


c)    Confirm the viability of the Kent Family Hub Model within any estate map outlined within the Kent Communities Programme.


d)    Delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Children, Young People and Education (CYPE), in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Integrated Children’s Services and Adult Social Care & Public Health, to undertake the detailed service design and delivery within the relevant estate map, as determined via Kent Communities Programme decision-making.


e)    Delegate authority to the Corporate Director for CYPE to take other necessary actions, including but not limited to entering into relevant contracts or other legal agreements, as required to implement the decision.


Publication date: 30/11/2023

Date of decision: 30/11/2023

Effective from: 08/12/2023

Accompanying Documents: