Decision details

23/00108 - Disposal of the Former Halfway Houses Primary School site, Southdown Road, Halfway, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3BE

Decision Maker: Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Proposed decision:


To agree to the disposal of the property, the former Halfway Houses Primary School site, Southdown Road, Halfway, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3BE and delegate authority to:


1.       The Director of Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, to finalise the terms of the disposal; and


2.       The Director of Infrastructure to authorise the execution of all necessary or desirable documentation required to implement the above.



Reason for Decision:


The property is surplus to the Council’s operational requirements and due to the projected value, a key decision is required as per Kent County Council’s constitution.


Background Information:


The site is a former school building and playing field. It has been declared surplus by the Council as it is no longer required for operational purposes. The school was relocated to a new purpose-built facility on another site.


The Council intends to progress with the disposal of the site in line with its adopted Freehold Asset Disposal Policy. Initial advice provided from agents regarding anticipated values, indicates that a key decision is required.


Consent has been gained from the Secretary of State for Education, allowing Kent County Council to progress with a disposal, given the former education use of the site.


A decision is sought to authorise the disposal of the site and to delegate authority to the Director of Infrastructure to finalise the terms, subject to consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.




The Council has an overarching duty under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972 to secure not less than best consideration in respect of property disposals. It also has a fiduciary duty to the residents of Kent.


The property is not required for the Council’s operational purposes and has been considered surplus to education needs following the relocation of the school to the new site.  Since vacation of the school site, alternative service needs were considered, and none have been identified. A disposal provides an opportunity to reinvest capital in agreed priorities, as set out in the Council’s Capital programme.


How the proposed decision supports the County Council’s Strategic Plan:


By securing a capital receipt to fund the Capital programme and to streamline the Council’s property portfolio to achieve financial and efficiency benefits in line with appropriate policy.







As the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, I agree to the Disposal of former Halfway Houses Primary School site, Southdown Road, Halfway, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3BE and delegate authority to:

1.    The Director of Infrastructure, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate and Traded Services, to finalise the terms of the disposal; and

2.    The Director of Infrastructure to authorise the execution of all necessary or desirable documentation required to implement the above.

Publication date: 04/04/2024

Date of decision: 04/04/2024

Effective from: 12/04/2024

Accompanying Documents: