Decision details

Mid Kent Key Office Hub

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To deliver the new Mid Kent Key Office Hub under the New Ways of Working programme.  The decision links in with other corporate programmes such as ICT’s Unified communications project, Customer Services Strategy and KCC’s Organisational Development Plan.



As Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services I agree:


1.   the freehold purchase of a property in Ashford, as named in the exempt report, and in line with the financial implications also set out therein


2.   the additional cost of purchase including agents’ fees and stamp duty and works as set out in the exempt report


3.      the refurbishment and modernisation costs required to make the space fit for purpose under the New Ways of Working Programme, in line with the financial expectations set out in the exempt report.


It has been noted that the Executive Scheme of Delegation for Officers set out in Appendix 2 Part 4 of the Constitution (and the directorate schemes of sub-delegation made thereunder) provides the governance pathway for the implementation of this decision by officers.  In this instance, the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support (on behalf of the Corporate Director Business Strategy and Support ) will take all such steps as are necessary to implement the decision

Publication date: 07/01/2014

Date of decision: 07/01/2014

Effective from: 15/01/2014

Accompanying Documents: