Decision details

Invicta House Remodelling

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek agreement for the restack and refurbishment of Invicta House as part of the New Ways of Working roll-out programme, part of the ‘Doing Things Differently’ business transformation agenda.


The works respond directly to and are a key part of the ‘Doing Things Differently’ business transformation agenda, currently being undertaken by KCC in response to ‘Facing the Challenge’, a proposed restructuring of how the Council undertakes its business in order to reduce the cost of local government and council expenditure generally.

Additionally the overall programme of works contributes to ‘Building stronger relationships with key business sectors across Kent’ as Kent based businesses are being engaged to undertake the refurbishment works on KCC’s behalf; it responds to ‘key regeneration challenges and working with our partners’, specifically where it releases previously leased property back into the business community, allowing new businesses to take up the opportunity to expand and develop in Kent or where deals can be done with partners / developers that enable former KCC land to be redeveloped to provide community facilities, such as Schools or similar. As retained buildings are restacked to provide refreshed workplaces for increased densities of KCC staff, the greater utilisation of fewer buildings resulting in a decrease in energy costs, business rates and maintenance costs, responds directly to the ‘Kent Environment Strategy’.


Financial Implications:            A budget has been included and approved in the Medium Term Plan.  If this project does not progress, the Council will be unable to exit its leasehold properties. 

Legal Implications:      The building is wholly owned by KCC but planning approval might be necessary dependent upon the level of external change required to address accessibility and any additional or new building services plant, required to cope with the increased population of the building. Works will also be subject to building control.

Equality Implications:  An ‘Equality, Inclusion and Access’ (EqIA) assessment has been undertaken for the programme and will be updated as appropriate. 

 ‘Facing the Challenge’ and ‘Doing Things Differently’ are both documented approaches that KCC are embracing as part of its initiative to reduce the cost of the Council to the people of Kent and are included in the Council’s Medium Term Plan


The Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services has agreed that:

1.                   KCC should enter into contract with a suitably qualified building contractor, procured in accordance with Council procedures, for the purpose of undertaking a design and build project to refurbish Invicta House prior to its being restacked to increase the utilisation of the asset; and

2          To authorise Rebecca Spore - Director of Property & Infrastructure Support, to enter into all necessary agreements/contracts to allow the exit of Bishops Terrace, Cantium House and Brenchley House, and for the works to be undertaken at Invicta House to accommodate the staff. 


Publication date: 24/01/2014

Date of decision: 06/01/2014

Effective from: 01/02/2014

Accompanying Documents: