Decision details

Kent Alcohol Strategy 2014 - 2016

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Adult Social Services & Public Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Although the majority of Kent residents drink alcohol responsibly, there are a large proportion of people for whom alcohol misuse is a problem. Liver disease is on the increase and alcohol misuse can also lead to violence and family disruption. The National Alcohol Strategy makes key recommendations on enforcement and disorder that are echoed in the Kent Strategy.


The Kent Strategy for 2014-16 goes further by pledging action to improve the current prevention and treatment arrangements in Kent. Currently there is evidence that not enough people are being referred for Alcohol Treatment and that too few people are aware of the harm that alcohol misuse is causing them. There are also a number of vulnerable groups, whose needs must be addressed.


This Alcohol Strategy has six pledges for action to reduce alcohol-related harm and six evidence-based steps that we will take. Once this strategy is endorsed by this Committee a detailed plan of action will be drawn up with partners.





As Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, I approve the Kent Alcohol Strategy for 2014-16.

Publication date: 16/05/2014

Date of decision: 16/05/2014

Effective from: 24/05/2014

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