Decision details

Winter Services Policy for 2015/16

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Kent County Council is under a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow or ice. It is recognised that the winter service is essential in aiding the safe movement of highway users, maintaining communications, reducing delays and enabling everyday life to continue. It is very important to both road safety and the local economy. The winter service that the County Council provides is believed to be sufficient so far as is reasonably practical to discharge the duty imposed by the legislation. The winter service policy sets out how Highway Operations discharges its duties. Members to decide to accept the updated winter service policy which will include an update on the weather forecast and farmers contracts which have recently been procured.


As Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport, I agree to the following changes to the Winter Service Policy:

(a) Weather forecast contract procurement process to award a five year contract to the successful Company;

(b) Farmers contracts will be procured for the next ten years; and

(c) Liquid de-icer products to be used on selected bridges around the county.

Publication date: 28/08/2015

Date of decision: 29/09/2015

Effective from: 07/10/2015

Accompanying Documents: