Issue - meetings

Approval to Award Contracts Procured Under Competitive Tender to Deliver Repairs to Weather Damaged Roads

Meeting: 12/07/2010 - Cabinet (Item 7)

7 Operation Find and Fix - Weather Damage Repairs to Roads pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr Nick Chard, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste; Mr Mike Austerberry- Executive Director Environment, Highways and Waste; and Mr John Burr, Director- Kent Highway Services)


(1)       This report provided Cabinet with an update on Operation Find and Fix- and the progress being made with delivering repairs to roads, both with externally tendered contractors and the County’s Maintenance Contractor.


(2)       Mr Chard said following the severe winter Operation Find and Fix had seen the County Council undertake an unprecedented amount of work to repair weather damaged roads. There remained at this time a focus on repairing A and B class roads based on safety defects found by inspectors and reported to the public and this would continue but additional gangs were now embarking on repairs to unclassified roads. Therefore although there was still more to do, progress had been good and Kent remained in the vanguard with the quality of work being completed to a high standard. Mr Burr said the Council was now about a third of the way through this programme so there was still some way to go. An overall assessment of the remaining work suggested that a further £3.1m would be needed in addition to the £3.4m which had already been committed. Of this Kent Highway Services had been able to find some £1.5m through efficiencies leaving the need for an additional £1.5m


(3)       Resolved:


(i)  the progress to date be noted and the allocation of an additional £1.5m to this Programme be agreed; and,


(ii) the approach to repairs on And B class roads as set out in the Cabinet report be endorsed