Issue - meetings

As part of our Better WorkPlaces programme, KCC is not renewing the lease on 17 Kings Hill Avenue - 10/01493

Meeting: 01/07/2010 - Corporate Policy Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 57)

57 WorkPlace Transformation (formerly Better WorkPlaces) Update pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


(1)       Mrs Oliver and Mr Molloy introduce a report on WorkPlace Transformation (formerly known as Better WorkPlaces).  This was a programme of change which aimed to ensure that KCC had the right buildings in the right places for the 21st century for contact with Kent residents and for officers, in conjunction with partner agencies, and to deliver real efficiencies (including reduced office costs).  Since reporting to the Committee in early 2009, the programme had made significant progress, closing four office buildings during 2009, and preparing the ground for future changes.   Directorates had continued to work in a coherent and consensual fashion based on an agreed series of protocols.  The report updated Members on progress to date, future plans for the office estate under the Better WorkPlaces banner, and additional projects now being undertaken.

(2)       In response to a question on Thistley Hill Dover, Mr Molloy explained that this was a former primary school that had been turned into offices in 2009.  200 officers were based there mainly from Adult Social Service and Children Families and Education, It provided a good open plan space with storage provision.  The ability to expand this site was limited but with better flexible working there was no pressure for it to take additional officers.

(3)       In relation to the option of using a Total Place solution for the officers displaced from Kings Hill, Mrs Oliver stated that the issue had been timescale and cost for partners.  In order to maximise the £1m saving from Kings Hill there was not sufficient time to achieve this solution, nor would it have returned a significant saving, so officers would be relocated within the KCC estate.  The scenario would be different in other areas. 

(4)       Mr Gough state that following the Total Place pilot lessons were being drawn from which could be taken forward.  Mr Carter emphasised the importance of all public sector partners working together to explore how to take this forward.

(5)       RESOLVED   that the report and the comments made by Members be noted.