Issue - meetings

SEN Units Review and Lead School Pilot Project - 10/01500

Meeting: 13/09/2010 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 Review of SEN Units - Outcome of the Evaluation of the Lead School Pilot pdf icon PDF 92 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mrs Sarah Hohler, Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Education; and Ms Rosalind Turner, Managing Director for Children, Families and Education) (Mr Colin Feltham, Head of SEN and Resources, CFE was present for this item)


(1)       This report set out the context for the SEN Unit Review, presented the findings of the Lead School Pilot evaluation and made recommendations and proposals for the development of a new SEN Strategy to meet the special educational needs of Kent children and young people. Mrs Hohler said that this was an important area of work and the pilot had helped to further develop good practice and this would be taken forward as part of the new SEN strategy.


(2)  Resolved:

a)     that the findings of the Lead School Evaluation be noted


b)     that Phase 2 of the Lead School Programme should not proceed in September 20103


c)      It be noted the Phase 1 Pilot would cease on 31 March 2011


d)     agreement be given to the SEN Strategy proposals, including the development of new funding arrangements and a Communication Strategy for working with parents and carers, children and young people, and,


e)     agreement be given to the timetable for taking the SEN Strategy forward as detailed in paragraph 4 of the Cabinet report.