Issue - meetings

FSC Short Term Bed Service - 11/01699

Meeting: 19/09/2011 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 Kent PCT Funding for Social Care, Improving Health Outcomes pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr G Gibbens, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health and Mr M Newsam, Interim Corporate Director, Families & Social Care) (Mr Gough made a personal declaration of interest in that he is a co-opted member of the PCT cluster Board)


(1)    This report asked Cabinet for approval to utilise the PCT funding for social care improving health outcomes across the seven broad areas in line with the Department of Health guidance. The report also requested delegated authority to officers to commission the services needed and agree with the PCT to deliver these improved outcomes.


(2)    Mr Gibbens said the main thrust of this report was about having in place mechanisms which focused on allowing people to receive the help and support they needed in order for them to stay in their own homes.  Mr Gibbens highlighted in particular the agreed investment areas for Kent as detailed in paragraph 6 of the Cabinet report.  Mr Gough spoke about the need to promote sustainable health strategies which should be a focus for the Health and Wellbeing Boards.  Mr Lynes said he welcomed the report and spoke of the need to ensure members serving on Locality Boards where provided with a proper briefing on the role and purpose of those Boards.  Mr Carter said he agreed with the need to have member briefings and also said senior officers with the Families and Social Care Directorate should not take any decisions regarding the commissioning of services under delegated authority until such time as they had had proper opportunity to familiarise themselves with the detail of the policy and its implications.  


(3)    Cabinet agreed to:


a)        Note the content of the report and the deployment of the re-ablement monies


b)           Approve the use of the PCT funding for social care improving health outcomes across the seven broad areas in line with the Department of Health  guidance


c)    senior officers within the Families and Social Care Directorate should not be authorised to take any decisions regarding the commissioning of services under delegated authority until such time as they had had full and proper opportunity to familiarise themselves with the detail of the policy and its implications.