Issue - meetings

13/00066 - TRACS service transfer to a community based service model

Meeting: 04/10/2013 - Social Care and Public Health Cabinet Committee (Item 32)

32 13/00066 - Future of TRACS Community Day Service, Longfield, Dartford pdf icon PDF 121 KB

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Mr M Walker, Assistant Director, Learning Disability and Mental Health, and Ms S Bullen, Project Manager, were in attendance for this item.


Mrs A DAllen declared an interest in this item as the Co-Chairman of the Dartford Learning Disability Partnership.


1.         Mr Walker introduced the report and summarised the consultation process and the key points arising from it, including the widespread support which had been expressed for the retention of the services rather than the premises from which they are delivered.


2.         Members made the following comments:-


a)         a Dartford Member reported that clients participating in activities being provided via the new premises were enjoying the new service provision and liked the new venues. It is very pleasing to see this positive progress.  Members from other areas were invited to visit the new premises;


b)         a Gravesend Member agreed that attitudes had changed from negative to positive during the course of the consultation.  Most people’s priority is to maintain their independence for as long as possible, and this modernisation would deliver that;


c)         a Member representing Ashford, where services for adults with learning disabilities had previously undergone a similar modernisation, said that clients there had given the same positive feedback on the revised service provision;


d)         the approach taken was generally supported and welcomed, and recommended for use in other areas across the county;  and


e)         Mr Walker, Ms Bullen and their team were thanked for all the work they had put into the consultation and the re-designing of services.


3.         The Cabinet Member, Mr Gibbens, acknowledged and welcomed Members’ comments. He reminded Members that the latest proposed changes were part of an ongoing and long-term modernisation programme of day services for adults with learning disabilities.  Previous projects had shown success and had strengthened services. He supported Members’ comments about the importance of clients being able to maintain their independence. It is good to enable and support people within, rather than separately from, the community, and what is proposed will achieve this, as well as supporting independence.


4.         RESOLVED that the decision proposed to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to move the TRACS service from its existing base at Longfield and to continue the service as a more inclusive, accessible, community-based service, operating from a range of community hubs, after taking into account the views expressed by the Cabinet Committee, be endorsed.