Issue - meetings

Proposal to expand Slade Primary School, Tonbridge

Meeting: 04/12/2013 - Education Cabinet Committee (Item 151)

151 Decision number 13/00091: Proposal to expand Slade Primary School pdf icon PDF 107 KB

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(Report by Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director for Education, Learning and Skills)


(Mr Shovelton, Director of Education Planning and Access and Mr J Nehra, Area Education Officer, West Kent, were present for this item)


1.            Further to Minute:135/2013, the Cabinet Committee considered a report that sets out the results of the public consultation on the proposal to commission the expansion of Slade Primary School, Tonbridge from 1.5 FE to 2FE for September 2014.


2.            Mr Shovelton advised that there had been a public consultation for which a public meeting had been held and written responses received.  The Local County Councillor, Headteacher and governing body for Slade Primary School were all in favour of this proposed expansion proceeding. 


3.            Mr Nehra advised that since this report was written and before the closing date of the consultation a further 22 written responses had been received.  The total was 46 responses; 17 in support of the proposal, 26 against and 3 undecided.  He shared the content of the responses which included; a statement of support from Tonbridge Borough Council which highlighted the need to mitigate the impact of parking at drop off and pick up times, and the Local Residence Association indicating a minority in numbers of those opposing the proposal.


4.            Mr Shovelton and Mr Nehra responded to questions by Members as follows:


a)     Kent County Council’s acquisition of the neighbouring site to Slade Primary School, Deacon House would be concluded by the end of December 2013.


b)     A comment was made that although there were concerns raised the proposed expansion was necessary and 30 children in primary school classes and 2 form entry were standard.


5.            The Chairman then put the recommendations to the vote, which was carried.


6.            RESOLVED that:-


a)     the responses to questions by Members in paragraph 4 above be noted; and


b)     the Education Cabinet Committee endorses the decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform to:


                    i.      issue a public notice to expand Slade Primary School, The Slade, Tonbridge by 15 places from 1.5FE to 2FE;


and subject to no objections being received to the public notice


                    ii.      expand the school; and


                  iii.      Allocate £1.5 million from the Education, Learning and Skills Capital   Budget.