Issue - meetings

Proposal for the delivery of supported lodgings for Kent Care leavers

Meeting: 09/07/2014 - Children's Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee (Item 30)

30 Update on progress implementing an integrated Children in Care and Leaving Care Service, with specific regard to supported lodging accommodation arrangements pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To receive the report from the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health and the Corporate Director for Social Care, Health and Wellbeing and to note progress since December 2013 and consider issues that will inform the Cabinet Member’s decision.

Additional documents:


Mr T Wilson, Head of Strategic Commissioning, and Ms S Mullin, Commissioning Manager, were in attendance for this item.


1.            Mr Wilson introduced the report and explained that the new integrated service would replace the various former ‘16+’ services.  The Committee was being consulted prior to a formal Cabinet Member decision being taken in the future. Mr Wilson and Ms Mullin responded to comments and questions from Members and the following points were highlighted:-


a)    making use of services offered by registered social landlords was an area of opportunity which could be exploited under the Supporting People programme.  Such options could include support following flooding and supporting young people in their first independent home; and


b)    the supported lodging scheme was unique to Kent and was currently offered by 120 experienced providers. The new integrated service would seek to extend the current service to include UASC (who were currently unable to access it) and more than 120  providers;


c)    the need for a method of evaluating feedback from young people about the services they received would be part of the procurement specification.  Mrs Denney added that young people in care and leaving care had made it quite clear that they were tired of surveys.  Valuable feedback would be captured via a young person’s last review during their period of care.


2.            RESOLVED that:-


a)    the progress made since December 2013 on implementing service integration to improve service delivery and outcomes for children in care and care leavers be noted; and


b)    Members’ comments on the issues relating to the provision of supported lodging interim arrangements be noted and be used to inform a subsequent Cabinet Member decision.