Issue - meetings

KDAAT - Realignment to Public Health Directorate

Meeting: 15/01/2015 - Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committee (Item 32)

32 14/00161 - KDAAT: realignment to Public Health directorate pdf icon PDF 347 KB

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1.            The Cabinet Member, Mr Gibbens, reiterated that he did not like taking decisions outside the committee process but emphasised that an urgent decision had been needed in this case to ensure that contracting arrangements were appropriately formalised. He thanked Members for the cross-party support he had received at consultation meetings before taking the decision. 


2.            He commended the public health team for their extensive work since October 2014, following the transfer of the commissioning responsibility, in ensuring that the drug and alcohol commissioning system in Kent, was now significantly improved as a result of the actions taken.


3.            RESOLVED that the taking of decision number 14/00161– ‘KDAAT Realignment to Public Health Directorate’, in accordance with the process set out in paragraph 7.10 of Appendix 4 Part 7 of the County Council’s constitution, be noted.