Issue - meetings

A226 London Road/A206 St Clements Way, Greenhithe - Junction Improvement and Construction of New Bus Lanes

Meeting: 04/05/2016 - Environment & Transport Cabinet Committee (Item 176)

176 A226 London Road/A206 St Clements Way, Greenhithe - Junction Improvement and Construction of New Bus Lanes pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To receive a report  that seeks approval to take the highway improvement for the A226 London Road/A206 St Cements Way through the next stages of development and delivery including authority to progress statutory approvals and to enter into funding and construction contracts.

Additional documents:


1.            Project Manager (Major Projects), Mr Farmer introduced a report that sought the Cabinet Committees support to take the highway improvement for the A226 London Road/A206 St Clements Way through the next stages of development and delivery including authority to progress statutory approvals and to enter into funding and construction contracts.  He explained the location of the junction and proposed improvement that would reduce congestion and assist public transport services.  He also explained that the need for improvement had been identified for a number of years and had secured full funding in principle.


2.            Mr Harman, Local Member for Swanscombe and Greenhithe, advised that he had attended a useful site meeting regarding the proposal with Mr Stiff.  He advised the Cabinet Committee that this was a viable option and supported the recommendations set out in the report.


3.            Mr Ozog requested that a solution be considered for the Steele Avenue junction as traffic sat at the junction for some time waiting to access Clements Way.  The Project Manager, Mr Stiff, advised that, this would be looked at and a pedestrian crossing to the right of the junction could help but it was a constrained site and he did not want to raise expectations..




4.            RESOLVED that:-


(a)    the  comments by Members be noted and consideration be given to Mr  Ozog’s request detailed in paragraph 3 above; and


(b)  the Cabinet Committee endorsed the proposed decision to be taken by the  Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport as follows:


i)         approval be given to the feasibility design for A226 London Road/A206 St Clements Way, Greenhithe Improvement Scheme for development control and land charge disclosures shown in principle on Drawing No. 4300384/000/05 Rev B.

ii)        approval be given to progress to a detail design stage, the A226 London Road/A206 St Clements Way Improvement Scheme shown as a feasibility design on Drawing No. 4300384/000/05 Rev B, including such work as drainage and environmental mitigation.

iii)  approval be given to progress all statutory approvals and consents required for the scheme shown in principle on Drawing No. 4300384/000/05 Rev B.

iv)  approval be given to carry out public engagement for the scheme shown in principle on Drawing No. 4300384/000/05 Rev B.

v)    approval be given to enter into Single Local Growth Fund funding agreement subject to the approval of the Corporate Director of Finance & Procurement.

vi)   approval be given to enter into construction contracts as necessary  for the delivery of the scheme subject to the approval of the Commissioning Board to the recommended procurement strategy.

vii)  approval be given for any further decisions required to allow the scheme to proceed through to delivery to be taken by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment & Transport under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following prior consultation with the Cabinet Member.