Issue - meetings

17/00122 - Update to the KCC Sprinkler Policy

Meeting: 05/12/2017 - Policy and Resources Cabinet Committee (Item 38)

38 17/00122 Policy on the Use of Sprinkler Systems - Update pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To consider and endorse, or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member on the proposed decision to amend the Use of Sprinkler Systems Policy

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Rebecca Spore (Director of Infrastructure), Tony Carty (Health and Safety Business Operations Manager) and Karen Ripley (Facilities Management and Capital Lead) were in attendance for this item


(1)       Mr Hotson (Cabinet Member for Corporate and Democratic Services) introduced the report which provided general information on sprinkler systems and made recommendations as to the Council’s future approach for the use of sprinklers in its existing estate and any new buildings.  It also asked the Cabinet Committee to consider and endorse, or make recommendations on his proposed decision to amend the Use of Sprinkler Systems Policy.


(2)       Ms Spore said that the objective of the policy was to ensure the Council’s buildings were safe and that a risk assessment approach was taken to determine the need for a sprinkler system in any new building.  The revised policy was a refresh of the 2013 policy. It was very likely that the policy would be further updated following the publication of an interim report of the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety being led by Dame Judith Hackitt.  Ms Spore referred, in particular, to paragraph 3.2 of the report which confirmed that the revised policy would ensure that the Council continued to meet its statutory duties and legislative requirements.


(3)       In response to questions, officers said that: the Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) was consulted early in the design stage of any new building being constructed by or for the Council; some academy schools complied with the safety requirements and advice of the Educational Funding Agency, but academies that had leasehold agreements with KCC were required to seek consent for any alterations or extensions and to comply with KCC policies including the policy on the Use of Sprinkler Systems.


(4)       Members said that the KFRS and other fire services had been lobbying government ministers since the 1970s to make the installation of sprinkler or fire suppressant systems in all new buildings. Concerns were also raised about the resources of district and boroughs to enforce technical building regulations and standards. Comments were also made about the inclusion of refuge points in the design of special and residential schools, the impact of a fire in a school on the pupils and on the stress caused by the loss of course work


(5)       Mr Bird, seconded by Mrs Dean, proposed that all new schools and extensions to existing school buildings should include sprinklers or other fire suppressant systems or set out a good reason why they were not included.


(6)       A number of Members expressed sympathy for Mr Bird’s proposal but said that it was preferable to wait for the interim report from the Hackitt review. Upon being put to the vote the motion was lost.


(7)       Resolved that:

(a)       the proposed decision of the Cabinet Member to update the Sprinkler Policy be endorsed; and


(b)       a further report, taking account of the recommendations of the Hackitt review, be received by the Cabinet Committee no later than 16 March 2018.