Issue - meetings

18/00068 - Managing Kent's Highway Infrastructure

Meeting: 17/01/2019 - Environment & Transport Cabinet Committee (Item 148)

148 18/00068 - Managing Kent's Highways Infrastructure pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To comment and endorse or make recommendations to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste on:


(i)            the Asset Management strategy documents that, once formally adopted and published, will form the basis of evidencing a Band 3 Incentive Fund rating and secure Department for Transport capital funding of £4.6m in 2019/20; and


(ii)          the proposed Service Level Risk Assessments which record our current approach to highway maintenance and associated risks which, once formally adopted and published, will complete our initial implementation of the new Code of Practice. In turn this supports KCC ability to put forward a special defence in accordance with S58 of the Highways Act.

Additional documents:


Andrew Loosemore (Head of Highways Asset Management), Alan Casson (Strategic Asset Manager) and David Latham (Highway Policy and Inspections Manager) were in attendance for this item.


1.    Mr Loosemore introduced the report which set out the proposal to adopt and publish two key asset management strategy documents which would enable the Council to evidence a Band 3 Incentive Fund rating and maximise Department for Transport (DfT) capital funding for 2019/20. He also introduced a document containing proposed Service Level Risk Assessments to complete our initial implementation of the new Well Managed Highway Infrastructure Code of Practice and support KCC’s ability to defend claims.


2.    The officers then responded to comments and questions from Members, including the following: -


(a)  With regard to the maintenance of footways, specifically in relation to over-crowded residential parking and the damage caused by utility companies, Mr Balfour (Chairman) informed the Committee that the Kent Design Guide was under review and that the comments received from Members had been noted by the officers.


(b)  In response to concerns regarding flooding and drainage, Mr Loosemore said this was managed through a risk-based approach and resources were deployed using a prioritised order. In terms of residential areas of flooding, the drainage team would adopt a reactive cleansing approach based on reports received from the general public and the routine highways safety inspections. However, the strategic network which caused greater risk to property owners, road users and residents required a proactive, systematic approach.  The drainage team had also introduced a new structure with six additional engineers, a new team leader and a new technical support officer, all of whom would be responsible for carrying out routine work and finding innovative solutions to recurring drainage problems.


(c)  Members commended the report and the work of the officers.


3.    RESOLVED that the proposed decision (18/00068) to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Planning, highways, Transport and Waste on:


(a)  the Asset Management strategy documents that, once formally adopted and published, will form the basis of evidencing a Band 3 Incentive Fund rating and secure Department for Transport capital funding of £4.6m in 2019/20; and


(b)  the proposed Service Level Risk Assessments which record our current approach to highway maintenance and associated risks which, once formally adopted and published, will complete our initial implementation of the new Code of Practice. In turn this supports KCC ability to put forward a special defence in accordance with S58 of the Highways Act,


be endorsed.