Issue - meetings

20/00082 - Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Funded Programme – Green Corridors Programme Phase 3

Meeting: 15/09/2020 - Environment & Transport Cabinet Committee (Item 281)

281 20/00082 - Ebbsfleet Development Corporation Funded Programme – Green Corridors Programme Phase 3 pdf icon PDF 228 KB

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Lee Burchill, Local Growth Fund Programme Manager and Christopher Seamark, Local Growth Fund Programme Manager, were in attendance for this item)


(1)          Mr Payne (Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport) introduced the report which asked the cabinet committee to consider and endorse or make recommendations on a proposed decision to accept a capital grant from the Ebbsfleet Development Company (EDC) and to take the Green Corridors Phase 3 Programme through the next stages of development and delivery.  He said this scheme was fully funded EDC and that KCC had been asked to manage the scheme.


(2)          RESOLVED to endorse the proposed decision of the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to give approval for KCC to accept a capital grant from the EDC and to take the Green Corridors Phase 3 Programme through the next stages of development and delivery and specifically to give approval:


i.           to enter into a funding agreement with EDC subject to the approval of the Corporate Director of Finance,

ii.         for KCC to appoint a project manager to deliver the programme; 

iii.        to undertake the design and surveys for the project. This work will be undertaken by appointing a consultant through the KCC professional services framework contract;

iv.        to progress all statutory approvals or consents required for the schemes, including transfer of land and rights;

v.         to carry out any additional consultation required for the schemes;

vi.        to enter into construction contracts as necessary for the delivery of the schemes;

vii.       for any further decisions required to allow the schemes to proceed through to delivery to be taken by the Corporate Director of Growth, Environment and Transport under the Officer Scheme of Delegations following prior consultation with the Cabinet Member.