Issue - meetings

22/00081 - Integrated Community Equipment Service

Meeting: 28/09/2022 - Adult Social Care Cabinet Committee (Item 87)

87 22/00081 - Integrated Community Equipment Service pdf icon PDF 151 KB

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Ms Sharon Wilcock (Interim Senior Commissioner), Ms Mel Anthony (Senior Commissioning Manager) and Ms Akua Agyepong (Assistant Director, Adult Social Care and Health) were in attendance for this item.


  1. Ms Wilcock introduced the report regarding the extension of the current Integrated Community Equipment Service contract to 31st March 2024. She noted that in this time a new service would be designed that aligned with the Council’s new strategic direction and provided for future sustainability due to rising costs. She then provided an overview of the Integrated Community Equipment Service. 


  1. Ms Wilcock then responded to questions and comments from the committee, including the following:


(a)  Asked why no date had been given for the period of time the calculations and assessment took place, whether the current financial calculations and monies required still fit, and if flexibility had been built in given financial volatility and inflation fluctuations, Ms Wilcock responded that the current extension was for 16 months, but this was a conservative estimate. She confirmed that contingencies had been built into the financial calculations.


(b)  Asked to expand on point 7.7 in the report in relation to the incorporation of digital technology to promote self-directed support, specifically how this would make the service more effective, Ms Wilcock replied that the service would provide all the current provisions along with a greater choice of equipment for users.


RESOLVED that the decision to be taken by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health to:


(a)  Extend the current Integrated Community Equipment Service Contract for 16 months from 1 December 2022 to 31 March 2024;

(b)  Procure a new long term sustainable service model; and

(c)  Delegate authority to the Corporate Director Adult Social Care and Health to take relevant actions, to finalise the terms of the required contract extension and to facilitate procurement activity, as necessary to implement the decision


be endorsed.


Ms Meade asked for her abstention to be recorded in the minutes.