Issue - meetings

23/00100 - Commissioned Youth Service Contracts

Meeting: 30/11/2023 - Cabinet (Item 20)

20 23/00100 - Commissioned Youth Service Contracts pdf icon PDF 391 KB

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Sarah Hammond (Corporate Director of Children, Young People and Education), Carolann James (Director of Operational Integrated Children’s Services) Hema Birdi (Assistant Director Open Access and Adolescent Services) and Wendy Jeffreys (Consultant in Public Health) were in attendance for this item. 


1.    Mrs Chandler (Cabinet Member for Integrated Children’s Services) introduced the report which set out the proposal to cease the discretionary commissioned Youth Services contracts due to expire in March 2024 and instead deliver these within the Family Hub model, which would provide youth provision for children and support for their families where it is most needed. Mrs Chandler advised that cessation of commissioned Youth Services delivering discretionary services would bring Kent in line with the national picture and was the recommended option as it addressed the current requirements of the Council’s financial recovery strategy.


2.    Further to questions and comments from Members, it was noted that:


·         There was a wide range of youth activities available and flourishing in our communities e.g., local sports clubs, faith groups, uniformed services and community-based youth work.

·         A number of proposals were put forward as part of the consultation. Those proposals were now due to be reviewed and further engagement would be had with those services across the county in view of better integrated delivery of provision.

·         In response to whether further options had been considered and the reasoning as to why these were not recommended, it was advised that the Youth Service contracts had been in place for variations of time over a number of demographics, however the needs of those receiving the service had changed since originally developed. This recommended change was not about delivering the same service, but ensuring an equality of service according to need and it was proposed to deliver this through the implementation of the Family Hub model.


3.    RESOLVED to agree the recommendations as outlined in the report.