Issue - meetings

24/00028 - Spending the Stop Smoking Services and Support Grant

Meeting: 14/05/2024 - Health Reform and Public Health Cabinet Committee (Item 316)

316 24/00028 - Spending the Stop Smoking Services and Support Grant pdf icon PDF 381 KB

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Rutuja Kulkarni-Johnston, Consultant in Public Health, Luke Edwards, senior commissioner and Chris Beale, commissioner, and Debbie Smith, Public Health Specialist, were in attendance for this item. 

1.    Dr Ghosh introduced the report.  Ms Kulkarni-Johnston provided an overview of the framework for spending the grant, with additional details provided by Mr Beale.

2.    In response to comments and questions, it was said:

a)    Asked what support residents would receive to stop smoking it was said the funding would be used to increase and expand the support and services on offer. The behavioural support with nicotine replacement therapy was considered the best approach and consisted of a seven-week programme, which would see increased capacity. 

b)    Work on engagement and motivation would be central to the approach to reach out to those unlikely to engage in the services available and motivate users throughout the process of stopping smoking.  

c)    There would be active engagement with workplaces and employers to help distribute information about the support available and create smoke-free environments. 

d)    A range of media options were available including graphic imagery. It was noted that the materials were not a mandatory part of the curriculum in schools but their use was encouraged. There was a need for some smokers to see hard-hitting images and messaging which would be included in an alternative programme.

e)    Dr Ghosh said they would be happy to provide annual updates on the programme and regular updates would come to the committee through the performance dashboard. Penalties for missing targets were not expected in year one but there was a process to notify the central government during year one if adequate progress was not being made. 

f)     Mr Watkins praised the initiative introduced by the government and thanked the Committee for the points raised during the discussion. 

3.    RESOLVED the Health Reform and Public Health Cabinet Committee endorsed the proposed decision to:

a)    Approve the commissioning of Stop Smoking Services to deliver against the Support Grant and project requirements; 

b)    Approve the framework arrangements set out in the report for ongoing management of the Stop Smoking Services and Support Grant 2024/2025 to 2028/2029; 

c)    Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health and Corporate Director for Finance, to revise and amend the arrangements set out in the framework details, subject to the scope and terms and conditions of the grant funding; 

d)    Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to take relevant actions, including but not limited to, awarding, finalising the terms of and entering into the relevant contracts or other legal agreements, as necessary, to implement the decision; and 

e)    Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to award extensions of contracts for commissioned services in accordance with future grant allocations.