Agenda and draft minutes

Annual Meeting, County Council - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Joel Cook - Democratic Services Manager  03000 416287


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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The Democratic Services Manager reported apologies from Mr Baldock, Mr Beaney, Mr Brady, Mr Booth, Mrs Bruneau, Mrs Game, Mrs Hudson, Mr Richardson, Mr Ross, and Mr Webb.


The Democratic Services Manager informed Members that Dr Sullivan was running late to the meeting.


Election of Chairman of the Council

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(Mr Cooke, the present Chairman, presided for this item)


1.      Mr Kite proposed, and Mr Kennedy seconded that Mr B Sweetland be appointed Chairman of the County Council.

Agreed unanimously.


2.      Mr Sweetland took the chair, made his Declaration of Acceptance of Office, and returned thanks for his election.


3.      Mr Sweetland paid tribute to, and thanked, Mr Cooke for the manner in which he had carried out his duties as Chairman of the Council and the Civic Office for their support.  Mr Sweetland presented Mr Cooke with the Past Chairman’s Badge.


4.      Mr Cooke congratulated the Chairman on his appointment and thanked all the Members for their support during his year as Chairman. Mr Cooke spoke about the many successful events that had taken place during his year of chairmanship and thanked and paid tribute to all those involved for their engagement and support.


5.      The Chairman invited Members to speak, and tributes were paid to Mr Cooke by Mr Gough, Mr Hook, Mr Hood, Mrs Chandler, Mr Kite, Mr Lewis, Ms Constantine, Mrs Hohler and Ms Meade.


6.      Mr Cooke thanked Members for their comments.


7.      RESOLVED that Mr Sweetland be elected as Chairman.



Election of the Vice-Chairman of the Council

Additional documents:


1.         Mr Meade proposed, and Sir Paul Carter seconded that Mr A Ridgers be appointed Vice-Chairman of the County Council.

Agreed unanimously.


2.         Mr Ridgers made his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and returned thanks for his election.


3.         RESOLVED that Mr Ridgers be elected as Vice-Chairman.



Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or Other Significant Interests in items on the agenda

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.



Minutes of the meetings held on 28 March 2024 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Honorary Aldermen meeting and Ordinary Council meeting held on 28 March 2024 be approved as a correct record.



Corporate Parenting Panel - Minutes for noting pdf icon PDF 225 KB

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Corporate Parenting Panel held on 12 December 2023 be noted.



Chairman's Announcements

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Mr James Williams


1.     The Chairman added to the many tributes that had been paid to one of the County’s most prominent public health experts, Mr James Williams, following his sad passing. Mr Williams was Medway Council’s director of public health for seven years and worked closely with both Members and Officers at KCC. The Chairman said he would be remembered for his strong role, working in partnership with KCC and NHS Kent and Medway, in promoting public health and in leading the response to the Covid Pandemic. On behalf of the Council, the Chairman sent his best wishes to Mr Williams’ family.


Mr Craig Mackinlay MP


2.     The Chairman referred to the recent incredibly brave interview given by Mr Craig Mackinlay MP and asked Members to join him in sending Mr Mackinlay and his family their very best wishes.


Petition presentation from Ms Constantine


3.     Ms Constantine presented a petition regarding Dumpton Park Drive in Ramsgate to the Chairman.


4.     The Chairman asked the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to accept the petition for management in line with the petition scheme.


Chairman’s Charities


5.     The Chairman looked forward to supporting two local Kent based charities during his year as Chairman and they were We are Beams and The Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund. 


6.     The Chairman invited Ms Caroline Brinkman from We are Beams and Mr Peter Scutts, from the Elliott Holmes Memorial Fund to introduce their charities and give the Council a brief overview of how they provided support to children and young people in Kent. 


Cake Sale – Teenage Cancer Trust


7.     The Chairman thanked Ms Isabella Wilson (Graduate within Governance, Law, and Democracy Division), who had baked cakes to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust. 


Corporate Parenting Briefing


8.     The Chairman drew Members’ attention to a Member Briefing encouraging greater participation in Corporate Parenting and the Corporate Parenting Panel. The Chairman highlighted the importance of each Member’s role as a Corporate Parent.


Questions pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Additional documents:


In accordance with Sections 14.15 to 14.22 of the Constitution, 10 questions were submitted by the deadline and 10 questions were put to the Executive. 10 questions were asked, and replies given. A record of all questions put and answers given at the meeting is available online with the papers for this meeting.



Report by Leader of the Council (Oral)

Additional documents:


1.     The Leader paid tribute to the Chairman on his election and welcomed him to his new role.


2.     Mr Gough explained that he had intended to raise several points which he would now not address following the announcement of the General Election. In relation to the local elections, he expressed his congratulations and commiserations to those elected and those who were not. He also expressed his congratulations to Mr Matthew Scott on his re-election as Police and Crime Commissioner.


3.     The Leader spoke about finance and said the Council’s accounts were due to be delivered by the end of the month and the recording of an overspend was expected, albeit smaller than was previously indicated. He commented on the timing of the election in relation to the spending round and the advantage this may have on an assessment of local government needs. 


4.     Mr Gough referred to the Entry/Exit System and said in recent months he had visited both Eurotunnel and the Port of Dover to see the preparations that were taking place. He emphasised that significant risks remained and a consistent worst-case picture along with funding to address the challenges were required from government. He said pre-registration, if achieved, could ease the pressure, particularly on the constrained site of the Dover Eastern Docks, and emphasised the importance of communication to residents for which government and the Council had a shared responsibility.


5.     Regarding Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC) Mr Gough drew Members’ attention to a recent report on the BBC which set out the position confronted by the Council where there had been a 59% rise in referrals so far during 2024 and these were still outpacing dispersals through the National Transfer Scheme (NTS). There had been 816 arrivals so far for 2024 with 558 dispersed through the NTS. Mr Gough acknowledged that this was a step up for the NTS on its historic rate but there needed to be a systematic delivery plan to ensure there were not unfair burdens on the county.


6.     The Leader referred to the pothole blitz and Mr Baker’s response to an earlier question. He believed, considering the rate at which pothole repairs were delivered during 2023 with less resource, that a huge impact could be made during 2024.


7.     Mr Gough turned to the Integrated Care System and the Shared Delivery Plan, and the debate that took place at the last County Council.  He said the Shared Delivery Plan provided energy, life and reality across the many organisations involved to ensure the right outcome for people across Kent and Medway. Mr Gough paid tribute to the late Mr James Williams of Medway Council who he said was a dedicated public servant and played a vital role in bringing this work forward.


8.     Mr Gough said preparation was underway for a Care Quality Commission (CQC) adult social care inspection, due to take place by October 2024, for which eight weeks’ notice would be received.


9.     The Leader referred to the six-month extension of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 227.


Pay Strategy pdf icon PDF 254 KB

Additional documents:


1.         Mr Oakford proposed, and Mr Gough seconded the motion that:


“County Council is asked to agree the recommendation from Personnel Committee to the proposed model and transition approach for implementation to commence from 1 April 2025.”


2.         The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


3.         RESOLVED that the County Council agrees the recommendation from Personnel Committee to the proposed model and transition approach for implementation to commence from 1 April 2025.



Local Transport Plan update pdf icon PDF 308 KB

Additional documents:


1.      Mr Baker proposed, and Mr Robey seconded the motion that


“County Council is asked to note the progress on development of LTP5 and its expected return to County Council for a vote on its adoption following a summer public consultation exercise.”


2.      Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


3.      RESOLVED that the County Council notes the progress on development of LTP5 and its expected return to County Council for a vote on its adoption following a summer public consultation exercise.



Standards - Kent Code Update pdf icon PDF 127 KB

Additional documents:


1.      Mr Kite proposed, and Mr Jeffrey seconded the motion that


“County Council is asked to agree the changes to the Kent Code of Member Conduct as recommended by the Standards Committee.”


2.      The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


3.         RESOLVED that the County Council agrees the changes to the Kent Code of Member Conduct as recommended by the Standards Committee.



Petitions Scheme Review pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Additional documents:


1.      Mr Jeffrey proposed, and Mr Collor seconded the motion that


“County Council is asked to approve the changes to the Petition Scheme, as recommended by the Selection and Member Services Committee.”


2.      The Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1.


3.      RESOLVED that the County Council approves the changes to the Petition Scheme, as recommended by the Selection and Member Services Committee.


Motion for Time Limited Debate pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Additional documents:


1.      Mr Streatfeild proposed, and Mr Passmore seconded the motion that


“The Council notes:

a.    The decision taken by the Scrutiny Committee on 24th April 2024 to disband the SEND Sub-Committee and bring the issue back to main committee agenda.

b.    The work that has been undertaken by this council as part of the APP.

The Council resolves to:

a.    Agree that there is still work to be done to achieve the level of SEND provision required by children and parents in Kent, and the statutory guidance as set by national government.

b.    Agree that public scrutiny of the process has been weak which undermines assurance to children with SEND and their parents.

c.    Recommend to the Scrutiny Committee that it establish a public Short Focused Inquiry (SFI) on KCC’s SEND Provision to:

i.      to scrutinise the success of the APP for SEND considering DFE findings in May 2024. 

ii.    to assure Kent residents that the system of SEND in Kent will be successful and sustainable.

d.    Recommend that the inquiry should be chaired by a member of the opposition.

e.    Recommend that the inquiry will report in no more than six months and meet publicly at least once a month to give the correct level of assurance to Kent residents.

f.     Recommend that the inquiry, in pursuit of its objective, should seek to explore, among other important elements, the following key issues and make relevant recommendations to the Executive on these topics

i.              Why does Kent have 5% of its children with an EHCP? 

ii.            Is the NHS supporting a successful sustainable system?

iii.           How are Kent’s schools supporting a sustainable system? 

iv.           What is KCC doing to support a successful sustainable system?

v.            What does it cost to support a successful sustainable system?  

vi.           Are children and parents reassured the APP will work in an appropriate timeframe?

g.    Recommend that evidence should be taken from, but not limited to the following groups: children, parents’, schools, NHS, DFE, SIAB and KCC Officers.”


2.      Following the debate, the Chairman put the motion set out in paragraph 1 to the vote.


For (16)


Mr Campkin, Mr Chittenden, Ms Constantine, Mrs Dean, Mr Harman, Ms Hawkins, Mr Hood, Mr Hook, Mr Lehmann, Mr Lewis, Ms Meade, Mr Passmore, Mr Sole, Mr Stepto, Mr Streatfeild, Dr Sullivan


Against (40)


Mr Baker, Mr Barrington-King, Mr Bartlett, Mrs Bell, Mrs Binks, Mr Broadley, Miss Carey, Mr Carter, Mrs Chandler, Mr Collor, Mr Cole, Mrs Cole, Mr Cooper, Mr Crow-Brown, Mr Dance, Mr Dendor, Mr Gough, Ms Hamilton, Mr Hill, Mr Hills, Mrs Hohler, Mr Holden, Mr Jeffrey, Mr Kite, Mr Love, Mr Marsh, Mr McInroy, Mr Meade, Mr Murphy, Mr Oakford, Mrs Parfitt-Reid, Mr Rayner, Mr Ridgers, Mr Robey, Mr Sandhu, Mr Shonk, Mr Simkins, Mr Thomas, Mr Watkins, Ms Wright


Abstain (0)


Motion lost.