Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Monday, 17th October, 2011 10.00 am

Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone

Contact: Karen Mannering / Geoff Mills  (01622) 694367/ 694289


No. Item

Mr Patrick Leeson

Before the commencement of business Mr Carter welcomed to the meeting Mr Patrick Leeson, the Council’s newly appointed Corporate Director for Education, Learning and Skills.


Additional documents:

Unannounced Ofsted Visit

Mr Carter informed Cabinet that OfSTED had recently made an unannounced visit as a follow up to its report into Kent’s Children’s Social Services. Mr Carter said that whilst the full report was not yet available the indication received from the OfSTED Inspectors was very positive. 


Additional documents:


Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 September 2011 pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2011 be agreed and signed by the Chairman as a true record.



Revenue & Capital Budget Monitoring Exception Report 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 133 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr J Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Finance & Business Support; and Mr A Wood, Acting Corporate Director of Finance & Procurement)


(1)       Mr Simmonds outlined the key elements of this report and highlighted the main pressures. He also reported that the outturn on the Capital Budget had reduced by £15.4m, which was almost entirely due to re-phasing rather than project over/under spends.  Mr Wood said whilst officers were not complacent he was confident the budget would be delivered on course.


(2)       Mr Carter said that significant challenges lay ahead and whilst the changes to the Capital Programme were beyond the Council’s control he emphasised the importance of management actions in the overall delivery of the budget


(3)       Resolved :


(i)         that the initial forecast revenue and capital budget monitoring position for 2011-12 be noted together with the changes to the capital programme.


(ii)  agreement be given to £16.060m of re-phasing on the capital programme being moved from 2011-12 capital cash limits to future years; and ,


(iii)  agreement be given  to £0.580m of funding being transferred to Older Persons Strategy – Integrated Specialist Service Centre (DLC).



Welfare Reform Bill pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr G Gibbens, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health; Mr J Simmonds, Cabinet Member for Finance and Business Support; and Mr M Thomas-Sam, Head of Policy and Service Standards) (Christine Grosskopf, Business Strategy Division was present for this item)


(1)       Chris Grosskopf made a presentation which provided a comprehensive overview of the important changes and implications for local authority’s such as Kent County Council which will come about with the passing of the Welfare Reform Bill, which most likely would reach the statute book by April 2013.


(2)       Mr Gibbens said that the Bill was very much about encouraging people back into work. There would be some changes to the way benefits are currently dispersed but overall he felt the introduction of the Universal Credit was a positive step forward in an attempt to simplify the current system and incentivise work. Mr Gibbens also proposed, and it was agreed that the following sentence should be added to the second part of paragraph 10.1 of the Cabinet report – ‘ However the most recent report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies states that although the impact of Universal Credit on its own could serve to reduce absolute and relative poverty, the combined effect of all benefit and tax changes was to increase both measures’


(3)       Members of Cabinet spoke about their concern that this Bill would pass to local authorities new responsibilities for which they would not have the resources to deliver. It was also said that the housing benefit reforms could reduce the foot fall to Gateways and that local authorities would need to work with the Government on how these proposals are to be taken forward and implemented.  In the meantime Cabinet endorsed the proposal to establish a cross party Informal Member Group to explore the implications of the Bill for Kent across all Directorates.



(i) that the planned developments in Welfare Reform and the potential implications of these be noted and endorsement be given to the planned further work on the issues involved.


(ii)  The second part of paragraph 10.1 of the Cabinet report be amended in accordance with the wording put forward by Mr Gibbens and set out in paragraph 67(2) above; and.


(iii) a cross party Informal Member Group be established in order to explore the implications of the Bill for Kent across all Directorates.


Further Delegation of Funding to Schools (To follow) pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Additional documents:


– report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member for Education, Learning and Skills, The Interim Director of Education, Learning and Skills and Mr K Abbott, Director of School Resources.

(The Chairman declared consideration of this item to be urgent on the grounds the report contained relevant information arising from meetings held very recently with Kent Head Teachers. The report also contained information relevant to the preparation of the Council’s 2012/13 budget and other information related to resource and staffing issues relevant to the restructuring of the Education, Learning and Skills Directorate which was due to commence in November 2011). 


(1)       This report provided Cabinet with an update on the strategy to delegate funding that was currently retained centrally to schools in 2012/13. The report set out some of the rationale for delegation and the outcome of the consultation with schools which took place between 20th June and 31st July 2011and subsequent discussion with the Schools’ Funding Forum.


(2)       Mr Whiting said this report presented a more light touch approach to school funding by allowing individual schools more freedom in the way they utilised their budgets and resources. The proposals where consistent with the Council’s document ‘Bold Steps’ and would allow for more decisions to be made at a local level. In commending the report and its recommendations Mr Whiting said and it was agreed that the word ‘Directorate’ in paragraph 4(1) (a) of the report should be deleted.


(3)       Mrs Whittle spoke about the need to make sure Family liaison Officers received proper training and where able to better support head teachers and senior staff. Mr Carter said he welcomed the report and the fact that schools following recent discussions schools now had a much better understanding of the Council’s thinking on how resources can be better joined up and delivered. 


Resolved that subject to word ‘Directorate’ being deleted from paragraph 4(1)(a) of the report:


(i)  the recommendations detailed in Appendix 1 of the report be agreed which  accept the views arising from the consultation with schools/ the Schools’ Funding Forum except in the cases listed below. The numbering cross refers to Appendices 1 and 2.


           Lines 5 & 6 -Family Liaison Officers (£2,142 k) – retain

           Line 7 -Management Information (£222k) – retain

           Line 8 -Community Youth Tutors (£255k) – retain

           Line 9 – Skills Force (£100k) - retain

           Lines 11,21,28 & 34 – Specialist Teaching Services (STS) (£7,710k)   (includes STS £5,691k and Health Needs £2,019k - devolve to specific Special Schools subject to a further report to the Cabinet Member of Education, Learning and Skills within 6 weeks setting out the  detailed proposals for devolution which will include proposals in respect  of monitoring and quality assurance by ELS)

           Line 15 - Schools Personnel and Recruitment (£564) – retain £100k and delegate £464k.

           Line 16 – Collective Licences (£955k) – delegate all except SIMS licence which should be retained.

           Line 17- Admissions Appeals (£350k) – retain

           Line 18 – Primary  ...  view the full minutes text for item 69.


Mid Kent Joint Waste Project pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Additional documents:


– Report by Mr B Sweetland, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste; and Mr M Austerberry, Corporate Director, Enterprise and Environment) (Caroline Arnold, Head of Waste Management was present for this item)


See Record of Decision on page 5.



The John Wallis Church of England Academy pdf icon PDF 82 KB

Additional documents:


  – Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member for Education, Learning & Skills; Mr R Gough, Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Performance & Health Reform; Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning & Skills; and Mr D Cockburn, Corporate Director of Business, Strategy & Support) (Rebecca Spore, the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support was present for this item)


See record of Decision on page 7.




St Augustine Academy pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


 – Report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member for Education, Learning & Skills; Mr R Gough, Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Performance & Health Reform; Mr P Leeson, Corporate Director,Education, Learning & Skills; and Mr D Cockburn, Corporate Director of Business, Strategy & Support) (Rebecca Spore, the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support was present for this item)


See Record of Decision on page 9.



Children's Services Improvement Panel - Minutes of 25 August 2011 pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Additional documents:


Resolved that the Minutes of the meeting of the Children’s Services Improvement Panel held on 25 August 2011 be noted

Exempt Reports

The following are the unrestricted minutes and record of decisions of matters which were declared exempt pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972


Additional documents:


Records of Decision

Additional documents:






17 October  2011








Subject: Mid Kent Waste Project

Item 7 on the Cabinet Agenda –  Report by Mr B Sweetland, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste; and Mr M Austerberry, Corporate Director, Enterprise and Environment) ) (Caroline Arnold, Head of Waste Management was present for this item)

(1) The Mid Kent Joint Waste Project builds on the East Kent Joint Waste Project to deliver more cost effective waste collection, processing and disposal services and improved recycling performance in the County. A business case had been prepared by the project partners (KCC, Ashford Borough Council, Maidstone Borough Council and Swale Borough Council) for the delivery of a Mid Kent Joint Waste Project which forecasts significant savings for the four authorities. Each partner authority now seeks internal

approvals to commit to the project. This would take the form of the partners signing a legally binding Inter Authority Agreement.


The financial and contractual implications related to the procurement of the waste services were set out Annexes contained in the exempt part of the agenda.


Cost-effective household waste services for Mid Kent

2.         (1)       The aim of this decision was to develop more cost effective waste collection, processing and disposal services to minimise exposure to escalating costs, deliver efficiencies, and increase recycling by working across the two tiers of local government. It envisages a single collection method to replace the current differing service and contractual arrangements between the three second-tier authorities. This would bring savings to each authority as well as to KCC as the waste disposal authority (WDA).


(2)       The project was based upon the extensive financial modelling of the various costs and benefits to both waste collection and disposal authorities of various options, settling on an agreed method (Preferred Collection Method) for waste collection, and an agreed business case for taking this forward. This

opportunity had arisen as all three Boroughs had an opportunity to let new contracts for collection in 2013.


(3) The agreed arrangements were the same as those which had been implemented by the four East Kent Waste collection authorities under the East Kent Waste Partnership. The chosen waste collection model may be amended if the proposed Competitive Dialogue process with prospective tenderers indicated variations which would bring additional benefits.


(4) Taking into account the information set out in the report and the exempt annexe Cabinet Resolved:


(i) that KCC's commitment to the Mid Kent Joint Waste Project in accordance with the Cabinet  report and its exempt annexes be endorsed; and,

(ii) subject to him being satisfied as to the detailed terms and conditions, the Corporate Director – Enterprise and Environment, in consultation with the Director of Governance and Law and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste, be delegated authority to:


a)     take all necessary steps to progress the project together with the project partners, including supporting the Borough Council procurement of Preferred Collection Method, and, separately undertaking the necessary procurement of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 74.