Agenda and minutes

Education and Young People's Services Cabinet Committee - Thursday, 21st January, 2016 10.00 am

Venue: Darent Room, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Alexander Saul  03000 419890


No. Item


Introduction/Webcast announcement

Additional documents:



The Cabinet Committee is asked to note that Mr D L Brazier is no longer a Member of this Committee and there is now a vacancy.


Additional documents:


1) The Chairman confirmed the Mr Brazier was no longer on the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee and that there was currently a vacancy.


Apologies and Substitutes

To receive apologies for absence and notification of any substitutes present

Additional documents:


1) Apologies had been received from Mr Roper.


Declarations of Interest by Members in items on the Agenda

To receive any declarations of interest made by Members in relation to any matter on the agenda.  Members are reminded to specify the agenda item number to which it refers and the nature of the interest being declared

Additional documents:


1) There were no declarations of interest.


Verbal updates pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To receive verbal updates from the relevant Cabinet Members and Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services portfolio.



Additional documents:


1) There were no verbal updates from Mr Gough or Mr Hill.


2) Mr Oakford gave the following verbal updates;

a)    There had been a decline in migrants arriving in Kent over the winter months. He confirmed this was due to French borders tightening since the atrocities in Paris in 2015.

b)    At the time of the meeting there were a total of 1390 UASC in KCC care, approximately 929 of which are under 18. Mr Oakford reminded members that their allowance will change as the UASC age, the pressure on KCC will therefore increase as time goes on.

c)    In regards to assistance in responding to the recent increase of UASC in Kent not one single young person has gone to another Local Authority’s care. One other Local Authority offered to take a child from KCC care on the condition they are below the age of 5. As no UASC in KCC care is below the age of 5 this offer cannot be taken.


3) Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services, gave the following verbal updates;

a)    National GCSE results had been released the day prior to this meeting. Mr Leeson further confirmed Kent has continued to do well above the national average. In particular the combined achievement for English and Maths was higher than the overall benchmark for 5 good GCSE grades. . Kent was also above the national average for all Performance Indicators in regards to GCSE.

b)    In regards to the Ofsted annual report in December it was explained Kent had been achieving far better for Secondary School inspection outcomes  in being ranked 51st nationally. Kent was ranked 109th for Primary Schools. Overall 83% of Kent students were attending a good or outstanding school.


4) Mr Oakford gave the following information in response to questions raised and comments made by Members;

a)    He confirmed he has met with Kent MPs and they were lobbying on KCC’s behalf to get further assistance from national government in responding to the amount of UASC in KCC’s care.

b)    He further informed the Committee that extra wording was being put into the Immigration Bill that will give the Secretary of State the authority to direct other Local Authorities to take UASC from KCC’s care. This was currently going through parliament and KCC would receive more support when this legislation is in place.


Proposed enlargement to Hextable Primary School pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To receive a report from the Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services informing the Cabinet Committee of the outcome of the public consultation on the proposal to permanently expand Hextable Primary School (Community) from 2FE to 3FE and requests members to recommend that the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform agrees to release sufficient funding to put the necessary infrastructure in place.


Additional documents:


1) Ian Watts, Area Education Officer (North Kent), introduced the report proposing the enlargement of Hextable Primary School. He explained that the consultation showed that a significant proportion of the issues the public had with these proposals was around highways and congestion. Alongside the proposal a new parking and drop off point was intended to alleviate congestion issues and accommodate the concerns raised in the consultation. Mr Watts advised that he envisaged planning for the new parking and drop off point would begin in the two months following the meeting.


2) The Chairman confirmed the Head teacher, Chair of Governors and Area Education Officer all support the proposal.


2) RESOLVED that the decision be endorsed by the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee.


Proposed enlargement to Seal Church of England Primary School pdf icon PDF 135 KB

To receive a report from the Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services informing the Cabinet Committee of the outcome of the public consultation on the proposal to permanently expand Seal CE Primary School from 1FE to 2FE and requests members to recommend that the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform agrees to release sufficient funding to put the necessary infrastructure in place.

Additional documents:


1) Ian Watts, Area Education Officer (North Kent), introduced the report proposing the enlargement of Seal Church of England Primary School. He explained the school was around half way through a very extensive transformation plan. He advised that all the key issues cited could be address as described in the report.


2) The Chairman confirmed that the local member for this school, Nick Chard, has concerns over traffic issues following this enlargement but is otherwise supportive of the proposal. The Head teacher, Chair of Governors and Area Education Officer also all supported the proposal.


3) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee endorsed the proposed decision.


Expansion of Singlewell Primary School from 1FE to 2FE pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To receive a report from the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee informing the Cabinet Committee of the outcome of the public consultation on the proposal to permanently expand Singlewell Primary School from 1FE to 2FE and requests members to recommend that the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform agrees to release sufficient funding to put the necessary infrastructure in place

Additional documents:


1) Ian Watts, Area Education Officer (North Kent), introduced the report proposing the expansion of Singlewell Primary School. He brought members attention to the serious pressures in the Gravesham area on providing enough school places and that there was a clear demand for this. Mr Watts also confirmed staff at the school were happy with the plans and local Members did not oppose the decision.


2) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee endorse the proposed decision.


Proposed increase in secondary school capacity in East Kent pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To receive the report by the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services detailing the requirements for increasing capacity in four Secondary schools in East Kent from September 2016 and asking the Cabinet Committee to consider the need for additional Secondary capacity in East Kent and agree to the allocations proposed in the report.





Additional documents:


1) Marisa White, Area Education Officer (East Kent), introduced the report asking to allocate £14.2m from the budget to increase capacity in four Secondary schools in East Kent. She explained there was a clear need for capacity in these schools. A potential new drop off point opposite Sittingbourne Community College was also being considered to alleviate congestion.


2) A view was expressed that was no question as to the pressure for additional spaces at Sittingbourne Community college and that local members should be fully consulted on traffic mitigation outside the school.


3) RESOLVED that the recommendations are considered and endorsed.



Proposed amalgamation of Woodlands Infant School and Woodlands Junior School, Hunt Road, Tonbridge TN10 4BB pdf icon PDF 225 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Education and Young People’s Services on the proposal to amalgamate of Woodlands Infant School and Woodlands Junior School, Hunt Road, Tonbridge.


Additional documents:


1) Jared Nehra, Area Education Officer (West Kent), introduced the report on the proposed amalgamation of Woodlands Infant School and Woodlands Junior School. He explained they were already closely connected through a soft federation arrangement. The result of the consultation was positive towards the proposal with 64 of the 75 responses in favour to date.


2) Mr Nehra explained to members that there may be some final responses to the consultation which would be advised to members in writing.


3) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee endorse the recommendations.



Proposed changes to South Borough Primary School (Maidstone) pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Education and Young People’s Services on the proposal to expand South Borough Primary School, Stagshaw Close, Maidstone from 210 to 420 places by September 2016.

Additional documents:


1) Jared Nehra, Area Education Officer - West Kent, introduced a report seeking approval on the proposed decision to allocate money to fund an expansion South Borough Primary School, Stagshaw Road, Maidstone. The Chairman clarified that the Head Teacher supports the proposal and that the Equality Impact Assessment didn’t highlight any issues.


2) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee endorse the proposed decision.



Proposed Co-Ordinated Schemes For Primary And Secondary Schools In Kent And Admission Arrangements For Primary And Secondary Community And Voluntary Controlled Schools 2017 /18 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform and the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services on the outcome of the consultation on admissions arrangements and asking the Committee to endorse the proposed scheme for transfer to Primary and Secondary schools in September 2017 including the proposed process for non-coordinated In-Year Admissions prior to determination by Cabinet.

Additional documents:


1) Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, introduced the report on the outcome of the consultation on admissions arrangements and the proposed scheme for transfer to Primary and Secondary schools in September 2017. Mr Gough asked the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee to endorse these prior to taking them before Cabinet.


2) RESOLVED that Members endorsed the recommendations prior to determination by Cabinet.


Budget 2016-17 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2016-19 pdf icon PDF 232 KB

To receive a report by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement, the Cabinet Members for Education and Health Reform, Specialist Children’s Services and Community Services as well as the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services and the Corporate Director for Finance and Procurement, which sets out the proposed draft Budget 2016/17 and Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2016/19 as it affects the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee.  The report includes extracts from the proposed final draft budget book and Medium Term Financial Plan relating to the remit of this committee.

Additional documents:


1) Simon Pleace, Revenue Finance Manager, introduced the Budget 2016-17 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2016-19 report which focused on the budget for areas covered by the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee’s remit.


2) Mr Pleace confirmed that the Dedicated Schools Grant settlement for Kent County Council was received on 17 December 2015 and, as expected, it contained no increase for inflationary pressures.  He confirmed that the Local Authority is receiving increasing feedback from schools and early year’s providers that they are finding it more and more difficult to find year on year efficiency savings to offset these annual inflation pressures.  These difficulties are compounded if you are a school with low pupil numbers.


3) In regards to savings Mr Pleace explained that in total £7.5m worth of savings are proposed from the Directorate, with £600k coming from increased income.


4) Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services, went on to explain that the Directorate would have to focus resources and effort on where it would have the greatest impact with the further £7.5m being cut from the Education and Young People’s Services budget. He expressed a view that more income needs to be generated around key areas by working in innovative and different ways. He also brought attention to the fact his Directorate had achieved considerable savings of £7.6m in the current financial year by integrating services across Early Help and Preventative Services.


5) Mr Cowan expressed a view that education being considered a protected service by Government was contradictory with them allowing Local Government cuts which impact on local education budgets.


6) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee noted the Budget 2016-17 and Medium Term Financial Plan 2016-19.



Education and Young People's Services Strategic Vision and Priorities for Improvement 2016-2019 pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, Specialist Children’s Services and Community Services; and the Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services thatprovides an updated Education and Young People's Services (EYPS) Strategic Vision and Priorities for Improvement (formerly Education Bold Steps) for 2016-2019 and an assessment of progress and achievements against key targets in 2014-2015.


Additional documents:


1) Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services, gave an update on the Education and Young People's Services (EYPS) Strategic Vision and Priorities for Improvement (formerly Education Bold Steps) for 2016-2019 and an assessment of progress and achievements against key targets in 2014-2015. He explained he had high expectations for achieving their ambitious targets.


2) In response to questions raised and comments made Mr Leeson gave the following information;

a)    Although levels of registration at Children’s Centres are at a high 78% actual engagement remains at 47%. Members were reassured that responding to this was a priority for the Education and Young People’s Services Directorate and that Officers were determined to increase engagements with Kent’s families in the most need.

b)    Mr Leeson gave further detail on the High Needs Funding policy which national government had introduced last year for children in receipt of more than £6k of help for special educational needs. It was confirmed the process by which applications for this funding has now been streamlined and improved.

c)    In regards to NEETs all relevant data is summarised in the monthly performance reports. Last year fewer than 5% of young people were NEET. Mr Leeson confirmed the aim was for this to be reduced to 3.5% over the course of 2016.

d)    The permanent exclusion outturn figure for 2015 had been 109. This showed a decrease in exclusions from Secondary and increase in exclusions from Primary.


3) RESOLVED that Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee note the report.



The Impact on Kent Schools of Migration and Increases in Pupils with English as a Second Language on Kent Schools pdf icon PDF 903 KB

To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform and the Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services giving further information on the migration of school aged children into Kent and considers the impact this is having on the need for school places.



Additional documents:


1) Mr Gough introduced a report giving further information on the migration of school aged children into Kent and considers the impact this is having on the need for school places. He explained the report focused on the growth of English as a second language in Kent schools and covers a relatively recent period. Attention was also brought to Kent’s coastal strip where the recent growth in the number of students with English as a second language had occurred earlier.


2) Mr Gough confirmed there were many positive results detailed in the report. Evidence suggests that these students tend to develop quickly. There is also additional support in place for these students as they integrate into Kent schools.


3) David Adams, Area Education Officer (South Kent), explained that there was a great variation in this growth by area of Kent.


4) Mr Adams was congratulated by Members for the quality of this report.


5) A view was expressed that Kent County Council should publicise this good work to raise public awareness.


6) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People Services Cabinet Committee note the report.


The Impact of Universal Infant Free School Meals pdf icon PDF 138 KB

To receive a report from the Corporate Director for Education and Young People’s Services on the cost, progress, challenges and impact of UIFSM.


Additional documents:


1) Marisa White, Area Education Officer for East Kent, introduced a report on the cost, progress, challenges and impact of Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM.) She brought members attention to comments from schools that had been detailed in the report. It was also highlighted that there had been a slight drop off in parents applying over the last year.


2) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee note the report.




Early Help and Preventative Services: Strategy and Three Year Plan 2015-2018 pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To receive a report from the Cabinet Member for Education and Health Reform, Specialist Children’s Services and Community Services; and the Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services thatsets out the progress achieved to date with Early Help and Preventative Services and the key targets and priorities for future development, as set out in the Strategy and Three year Plan.

Additional documents:


1) Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director of Education and Young People’s Services, introduced the report setting out the Strategy and Three year Plan 2015-18. He explained that a key part of this plan was having a greater impact in working in an integrated way Specialist Children’s Services to reduce caseloads in social care.


2) Mr Hill and Mr Oakford both expressed a view that this was a very positive report and strongly supported the paper.


3) In response to questions raised and comments made Mr Leeson explained that encouraging more vulnerable parents to make use of Children’s Centres was one of his Directorates priorities in the Strategy and Three year Plan for 2015-18. In particular Health colleagues are taking a proactive approach to encouraging parents to use the Children’s Centres. Libraries are also being pursued to ensure they have available information about these services.


4) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People’s Cabinet Committee note the report.



Cabinet Members' priorities for business plans 2016-17 pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To receive a report presenting the Cabinet Members’ priorities that they wish to see reflected in the 2016/17 directorate business plans so that the Cabinet Committee can comment on them before the business plans are drafted.

Additional documents:


1) Mr Gough introduced the report presenting his Cabinet Member priorities for business plans 2016-17. He gave the following information;

a)    Much of the content will reflect mainstream business.

b)    The delivery of the commissioning plan remains a priority. Mr Gough confirmed this has been given more attention than anything over the previous year and is of great importance to him. He also stated that so far it has been delivered successfully.

c)    Further integration with Health was also a priority. Progress has already been made in this, for example in the delivery of speech and language therapy.

d)    Responding to the rise in need types, in particular Autism, has been included this year as a priority.

e)    Continuing to build on collaborative work with Kent Association of Head Teachers is also a priority.


2) Mr Hill gave the following information on his Cabinet Member priorities for business plans 2016-17;

a)    The recommissioning of the Youth Service would be a priority.

b)    Focusing on troubled families would also be prioritised to respond to the greatly increased volume of troubled families Kent County Council are working with.


3) Mr Oakford gave the following information on his Cabinet Member priorities for business plans 2016-17;

a)    He would be focusing on achieving targets set out in the Early Help Strategy.

b)    A key objective remains reducing the amount of children going into care. There is much prevention work to achieve this goal which is both better for the young person and their family as well as more affordable where the budget is concerned.


4) A view was expressed that a report on multi academy trusts and processes in which they operate would be of use to the Education and Young People’s Services Committee. Mr Gough agreed that there would be merit in such a report.


5) RESOLVED that the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee had noted and commented the Cabinet Members' priorities for business plans 2016-17.


Work Programme 2016 pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To receive the report from the Head of Democratic Services that gives details of the proposed Work Programme for the Education and Young People’s Services Cabinet Committee.


Additional documents:


1) Members expressed an interest in a report on collaborative work between High Schools and Grammar Schools and further information on a letter distributed regarding KCC’s strategy should more schools than anticipated become academies in the near future.


2) RESOLVED that the Work Programme for 2016 be agreed.