Agenda item

Further Delegation of Funding to Schools (To follow)


– report by Mr M Whiting, Cabinet Member for Education, Learning and Skills, The Interim Director of Education, Learning and Skills and Mr K Abbott, Director of School Resources.

(The Chairman declared consideration of this item to be urgent on the grounds the report contained relevant information arising from meetings held very recently with Kent Head Teachers. The report also contained information relevant to the preparation of the Council’s 2012/13 budget and other information related to resource and staffing issues relevant to the restructuring of the Education, Learning and Skills Directorate which was due to commence in November 2011). 


(1)       This report provided Cabinet with an update on the strategy to delegate funding that was currently retained centrally to schools in 2012/13. The report set out some of the rationale for delegation and the outcome of the consultation with schools which took place between 20th June and 31st July 2011and subsequent discussion with the Schools’ Funding Forum.


(2)       Mr Whiting said this report presented a more light touch approach to school funding by allowing individual schools more freedom in the way they utilised their budgets and resources. The proposals where consistent with the Council’s document ‘Bold Steps’ and would allow for more decisions to be made at a local level. In commending the report and its recommendations Mr Whiting said and it was agreed that the word ‘Directorate’ in paragraph 4(1) (a) of the report should be deleted.


(3)       Mrs Whittle spoke about the need to make sure Family liaison Officers received proper training and where able to better support head teachers and senior staff. Mr Carter said he welcomed the report and the fact that schools following recent discussions schools now had a much better understanding of the Council’s thinking on how resources can be better joined up and delivered. 


Resolved that subject to word ‘Directorate’ being deleted from paragraph 4(1)(a) of the report:


(i)  the recommendations detailed in Appendix 1 of the report be agreed which  accept the views arising from the consultation with schools/ the Schools’ Funding Forum except in the cases listed below. The numbering cross refers to Appendices 1 and 2.


           Lines 5 & 6 -Family Liaison Officers (£2,142 k) – retain

           Line 7 -Management Information (£222k) – retain

           Line 8 -Community Youth Tutors (£255k) – retain

           Line 9 – Skills Force (£100k) - retain

           Lines 11,21,28 & 34 – Specialist Teaching Services (STS) (£7,710k)   (includes STS £5,691k and Health Needs £2,019k - devolve to specific Special Schools subject to a further report to the Cabinet Member of Education, Learning and Skills within 6 weeks setting out the  detailed proposals for devolution which will include proposals in respect  of monitoring and quality assurance by ELS)

           Line 15 - Schools Personnel and Recruitment (£564) – retain £100k and delegate £464k.

           Line 16 – Collective Licences (£955k) – delegate all except SIMS licence which should be retained.

           Line 17- Admissions Appeals (£350k) – retain

           Line 18 – Primary and Secondary Forum (20k) – retain

           Lines 19 & 20 - Pupil referral units and associated activities (£16,540k)   devolve to the newly established PRU’s in 2012 with a view to delegation in 2013.

           Lines 13 & 14 – Maternity, public duty and related funds (£2,310)   delegate initially as a pooled scheme with a view to the future establishment of an insurance scheme.

           Line 33 – Extending Learning team (£178k) – retain £50k and delegate £128k.


Supporting documents: