Agenda item

Records of Decision






17 October  2011








Subject: Mid Kent Waste Project

Item 7 on the Cabinet Agenda –  Report by Mr B Sweetland, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste; and Mr M Austerberry, Corporate Director, Enterprise and Environment) ) (Caroline Arnold, Head of Waste Management was present for this item)

(1) The Mid Kent Joint Waste Project builds on the East Kent Joint Waste Project to deliver more cost effective waste collection, processing and disposal services and improved recycling performance in the County. A business case had been prepared by the project partners (KCC, Ashford Borough Council, Maidstone Borough Council and Swale Borough Council) for the delivery of a Mid Kent Joint Waste Project which forecasts significant savings for the four authorities. Each partner authority now seeks internal

approvals to commit to the project. This would take the form of the partners signing a legally binding Inter Authority Agreement.


The financial and contractual implications related to the procurement of the waste services were set out Annexes contained in the exempt part of the agenda.


Cost-effective household waste services for Mid Kent

2.         (1)       The aim of this decision was to develop more cost effective waste collection, processing and disposal services to minimise exposure to escalating costs, deliver efficiencies, and increase recycling by working across the two tiers of local government. It envisages a single collection method to replace the current differing service and contractual arrangements between the three second-tier authorities. This would bring savings to each authority as well as to KCC as the waste disposal authority (WDA).


(2)       The project was based upon the extensive financial modelling of the various costs and benefits to both waste collection and disposal authorities of various options, settling on an agreed method (Preferred Collection Method) for waste collection, and an agreed business case for taking this forward. This

opportunity had arisen as all three Boroughs had an opportunity to let new contracts for collection in 2013.


(3) The agreed arrangements were the same as those which had been implemented by the four East Kent Waste collection authorities under the East Kent Waste Partnership. The chosen waste collection model may be amended if the proposed Competitive Dialogue process with prospective tenderers indicated variations which would bring additional benefits.


(4) Taking into account the information set out in the report and the exempt annexe Cabinet Resolved:


(i) that KCC's commitment to the Mid Kent Joint Waste Project in accordance with the Cabinet  report and its exempt annexes be endorsed; and,

(ii) subject to him being satisfied as to the detailed terms and conditions, the Corporate Director – Enterprise and Environment, in consultation with the Director of Governance and Law and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste, be delegated authority to:


a)     take all necessary steps to progress the project together with the project partners, including supporting the Borough Council procurement of Preferred Collection Method, and, separately undertaking the necessary procurement of the waste transfer and processing of recyclate, food and garden waste;

b)    negotiate and agree the terms of and enter into any legal agreements as may be necessary between Kent County Council, Ashford Borough Council, Maidstone Borough Council and Swale Borough Council, and any other necessary third parties (i.e. the waste contractor).


Any Interest Declared when the Decision was Taken




Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information


As set above and in the Cabinet report


Background Documents: none






Cabinet  17 October  2011








 Item 8 - The John Wallis Church of England Academy (report by Mr Mike Whiting, Cabinet Member   for Education, Learning & Skills, Mr Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Performance      & Health Reform, Mr Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning & Skills and Mr David       Cockburn, Corporate Director of Business, Strategy & Support


 (1)   The John Wallis Church of England Academy, Ashford, was formed on 1st September 2010 from the former Ashford Christ Church High School. The Academy is located on the Stanhope Campus which also houses Linden Grove Primary School, The Ray Allen Children’s Centre and the former South Kent College buildings (which are mainly derelict).  The site sat at the heart of a £200m PFI rebuild of the Stanhope housing estate.

(2)   Following the change of Government, the development of this academy was put on hold while the funding available was reconsidered. Following site visits by the DFE and the adoption of a new approach to calculating the funding, there was a significant reduction in the funding available. The original funding would have allowed 71% new build and 29% refurbishment of the school facilities.     

(3)   The BSF and Academies team, with Gleeds as technical advisors and Studio E as Architects, have been working with the Academy to develop initial options for redeveloping the site. That had taken into consideration the state of the existing buildings to determine what facilities could be re-furbished and which need to be replaced. Initial options had been costed to demonstrate which would be affordable using the results of a number of initial surveys. The new build rate used to cost the options was based on a rate advised by the DFE as part of the cost saving exercise carried out by the DFE when determining the funding allocated. The rate for refurbishment was based on the conditions survey. It was unlikely that that rate would be able to achieve the same standard as was achieved under the Building Schools for the Future programme. Work had also been carried out to look at how the redevelopment could be phased to reduce the need for temporary accommodation during the build period. The options had been discussed with the relevant planning authorities, Kent Highways and Sport England and that had allowed the Council to determine the deliverability of the schemes, as well as affordability. Before KCC could enter into a contract with Willmott Dixon, a Final Business Case would be submitted to PfS to confirm that they would be funding the scheme. At that point cabinet would be asked to authorise the submission of the business case and to authorise the signing of the contract with Willmott Dixon. It was estimated that it would take at least six months for Willmott Dixon to develop the scheme to the level required to enter into the contract. That however could take significantly longer if the planning process became complicated. The current target was to sign contracts in summer 2012 so that the construction works could be completed in early 2014.

(4)   Taking into account the information set out in the Cabinet report and the exempt annexe Cabinet Resolved


(i) to authorise the submission of the Feasibility study for The John Wallis Church of England Academy to Partnership for Schools and the DFE.


(ii) authorise the issue of a Future School Notice to Willmott Dixon (preferred bidder for Batch 2 Academies)  to develop a proposal for the Academy within the affordability parameters set by Cabinet and to progress through the next stage of the process to develop detailed designs, progress the planning application and

finalise contracts.


(iii)  it be noted that the BSF, PFI and Academies Board would be updated on progress and final approval to enter into contracts would be sought from Cabinet.



 Any Interest Declared when the Decision was Taken





Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information


  The reasons for this decision are set out above and also in the Cabinet Report. 


Background Documents:








Cabinet  17 October  2011










Item 9 -  St Augustine Academy -  report by MrMike Whiting, Cabinet Member  for Education,    Learning &  kills, Mr Roger Gough, Cabinet Member for Business Strategy, Performance & Health  Reform, Patrick Leeson, Corporate Director, Education, Learning & Skills and Mr David Cockburn,      Corporate Director of Business, Strategy & Support



(1)  This report sought approval to submit the Feasibility Study (Outline Business Case)  for St Augustine Academy to Partnership for Schools and the DfE to progress to the next stage and to issue a Future School Notice to Willmott Dixon (preferred bidder for Batch 2 Academies) to develop a proposal for the Academy.


(2)   The Academy is located on Oakwood Road, Maidstone, and is part of the Oakwood Campus which comprises eight educational institutions ranging from primary schools to University Colleges. KCC’s conferencing facility, Oakwood House, is situated at the heart of the campus. St Augustine Academy occupied a narrow site at the south eastern corner of the campus. Following the change of Government, in May 2010, the development of this academy was put on hold while the funding available was reconsidered. Following site visits by the DfE and the adoption of a new approach to calculating the funding, there was a significant reduction in the funding available.


(3) The original funding would have allowed a complete new build of the school facilities. However that was no l no longer possible within the reduced budget. The BSF and Academies team, with Gleeds as technical advisors, and KSS as  Architects, had been working with the Sponsor and Academy to develop initial options for redeveloping  the site. That had taken into consideration the state of the existing buildings to determine what facilities could be re-furbished and which needed to be replaced. Before KCC could enter into a contract with Willmott Dixon, a Final Business Case would be submitted to Partnership for Schools to confirm that they would be funding the scheme. At that point Cabinet would be asked to authorise the submission of the business case and to authorise the signing of the contract with Willmott Dixon. It was estimated that it would take at least six months for Willmott Dixon to develop the scheme to the level required to enter into the contract. That however could take significantly longer if the planning process became complicated. The current target was to sign contracts in June 2012 so that construction could be completed in April 2014.


(4) Taking into account the information set out in the Cabinet report and the exempt annexe Cabinet.



 (i) to authorise the  submission of the Feasibility study for St Augustine Academy to Partnerships for Schools and the DfE.

(ii)   authorise the issuing  of a Future School Notice to Willmott Dixon (preferred bidder for Batch 2 Academies) to develop a proposal for the Academy within the affordability parameters set by Cabinet and to progress through the next stage of the process to develop detailed designs, progress the planning application and finalise contracts.


(iii)note that the BSF, PFI and Academies Board would be updated on progress and final approval to enter into contracts would be sought from Cabinet.



 Any Interest Declared when the Decision was Taken





Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information


  The reasons for this decision are set out above and also in the Cabinet Report. 


Background Documents:

