Agenda item

Proposed revisions to the Council's governance arrangements


(1)       Mr Carter proposed, Mr A King seconded that the County Council:


(a)       approve the dissolution of the existing suite of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and its replacement with Cabinet Committees and a single Scrutiny Committee but that the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee be retained as this was a statutory requirement.


(b)       approve the implementation and operational date for the new governance arrangements on 1 April 2012;


(c)        approve the establishment of six Cabinet Committees with:


(i)         an average of 12 Members including a seat for the minority opposition groups on each Committee; and


(ii)        with the proposed terms of reference as set out in Appendix 2 of the report


(d)       approve Cabinet Committees subsuming the existing Advisory Boards (with the exception of the Corporate Parenting Panel and the Children’s Services Improvement Panel or equivalent Safeguarding Panel for Adults and Children);


(e)       approve the chairing of Cabinet Committees by a mixed economy which may include non executive Members of the administration, Deputy Cabinet Members and Cabinet Members (subject to review by the Leader within the first twelve months);


(f)         approve setting the agendas for the Cabinet Committees will be a shared responsibility between the Members of the Cabinet Committee, the Chairman of the Committee, relevant Cabinet Members and senior officers;


(g)       approve Cabinet Committees establishing sub-committees but that Informal Member Groups will not normally be permitted;


(h)        note the new relationship between the Corporate Management Team and the Cabinet;


(i)         note the ongoing work on the Constitution and other constitutional framework/operational documents; and


(j)         note the arrangements for embedding the new arrangements in the County Council and the training of Members and officers to ensure a smooth transition to the new governance arrangements.


(2)       Mrs Dean proposed, Mr Vye seconded the following amendment:


(i)         Recommendation (e): to read: “the chairing of Cabinet Committees by non-executive Members of the administration” (with all other words deleted)


(3)     The Chairman then put the Amendment to the vote, whereupon the number of votes cast was as follows:-


For (8)


Mr I Chittenden, Mr L Christie, Mr G Cowan, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mrs E Green, Mr T Prater, Mr M Vye


Against (58)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr R Bayford, Mr R Brookbank, Mr R Bullock, Mr R Burgess, Mr P Carter, Mrs P Cole, Mr N Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mr B Cope, Mr H Craske, Mr A Crowther, Mr J Cubitt, Mr M Dance, Mr J Davies, Mr K Ferrin, Mr T Gates, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Mr M Harrison, Mr W Hayton, Mr M Hill, Mr D Hirst, Ms A Hohler, Mrs S Hohler, Mr E Hotson, Mr M Jarvis, Mr A King, Mr J Kirby, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mrs J Law, Mr R Lees, Mr R  Long, Mr K Lynes, Mr S Manion, Mr R Manning, Mr A Marsh, Mr M Northey, Mr R Parry, Mr K Pugh, Mr L Ridings, Mrs J Rook, Mr A Sandhu, Mr J Simmonds, Mr C Smith, Mr K Smith, Mr M Snelling, Mr B Sweetland, Mr R Tolputt, Mrs E Tweed, Mrs C Waters, Mr J Wedgbury, Mr M Whiting, Mrs J Whittle, Mr A Wickham, Mr A Willicombe




(4)       Mrs Dean proposed, Mr Vye seconded the following amendment:


(ii)        Additional recommendation (h): “The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will normally be chaired by the Leader of the Opposition” and existing recommendations (h), (i) and (j) being re-lettered as (i), (j) and (k)


(5)     The Chairman then put the Amendment to the vote, whereupon the number of votes cast was as follows:-


For (9)


Mr I Chittenden, Mr L Christie, Mr G Cowan, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mrs E Green, Mr R Lees, Mr T Prater, Mr M Vye


Abstain (1)


Mr K Smith


Against (57)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr R Bayford, Mr R Brookbank, Mr R Bullock, Mr R Burgess, Miss S Carey, Mrs P Cole, Mr N Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mr B Cope, Mr H Craske, Mr A Crowther, Mr J Cubitt, Mr M Dance, Mr J Davies, Mr K Ferrin, Mr T Gates, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Mr M Harrison, Mr W Hayton, Mr M Hill, Mr D Hirst, Ms A Hohler, Mrs S Hohler, Mr E Hotson, Mr M Jarvis, Mr A King, Mr J Kirby, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mrs J Law, Mr J London, Mr R  Long, Mr K Lynes, Mr S Manion, Mr R Manning, Mr A Marsh, Mr M Northey, Mr R Parry, Mr K Pugh, Mr L Ridings, Mrs J Rook, Mr A Sandhu, Mr J Simmonds, Mr C Smith, Mr M Snelling, Mr B Sweetland, Mr R Tolputt, Mrs E Tweed, Mrs C Waters, Mr J Wedgbury, Mr M Whiting, Mrs J Whittle, Mr A Wickham, Mr A Willicombe




(6)       Mrs Dean proposed, Mr Vye seconded the following amendment:


(iii) Additional recommendation (i) if second amendment successful or (h) if not: “The report goes to Selection and Member Services Committee for discussion of the protocols and constitutional changes including specifically the procedure for dealing with urgent decisions between scheduled Committee meetings”


(7)       With the permission of his seconder, Mr Carter agreed to accept this amendment and, accordingly, it was not put to the vote.


(8)     There being no further amendments to the motion, the Chairman then put the substantive motion to the vote, whereupon the number of votes cast was as follows:-


For (62)


Mrs A Allen, Mr M Angell, Mr R Bayford, Mr R Brookbank, Mr R Bullock, Miss S Carey, Mr P Carter, Mr L Christie, Mrs P Cole, Mr N Collor, Mr G Cooke, Mr B Cope, Mr G Cowan, Mr H Craske, Mr A Crowther, Mr J Cubitt, Mr M Dance, Mr J Davies, Mr K Ferrin, Mr T Gates, Mr G Gibbens, Mr R Gough, Mrs E Green, Mr M Harrison, Mr W Hayton, Mr M Hill, Mr D Hirst, Ms A Hohler, Mrs S Hohler, Mr E Hotson, Mr M Jarvis, Mr A King, Mr J Kirby, Mr J Kite, Mr P Lake, Mrs J Law, Mr R Lees, Mr J London, Mr R  Long, Mr K Lynes, Mr S Manion, Mr R Manning, Mr A Marsh, Mr M Northey, Mr R Parry, Mr K Pugh, Mr L Ridings, Mrs J Rook, Mr A Sandhu, Mr J Simmonds, Mr C Smith, Mr K Smith, Mr M Snelling, Mr B Sweetland, Mr R Tolputt, Mrs E Tweed, Mrs C Waters, Mr J Wedgbury, Mr M Whiting, Mrs J Whittle, Mr A Wickham, Mr A Willicombe


Abstain (5)


Mr I Chittenden, Mr D Daley, Mrs T Dean, Mr T Prater, Mr M Vye


Against (0)




Resolved: that the County Council:


(a)       approve the dissolution of the existing suite of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and its replacement with Cabinet Committees and a single Scrutiny Committee but that the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee be retained as this was a statutory requirement.


(b)       approve the implementation and operational date for the new governance arrangements on 1 April 2012;


(c)        approve the establishment of six Cabinet Committees with:


(i)         an average of 12 Members including a seat for the minority opposition groups on each Committee; and


(ii)        with the proposed terms of reference as set out in Appendix 2 of the report


(d)       approve Cabinet Committees subsuming the existing Advisory Boards (with the exception of the Corporate Parenting Panel and the Children’s Services Improvement Panel or equivalent Safeguarding Panel for Adults and Children);


(e)       approve the chairing of Cabinet Committees by a mixed economy which may include non executive Members of the administration, Deputy Cabinet Members and Cabinet Members (subject to review by the Leader within the first twelve months);


(f)         approve setting the agendas for the Cabinet Committees will be a shared responsibility between the Members of the Cabinet Committee, the Chairman of the Committee, relevant Cabinet Members and senior officers;


(g)       approve Cabinet Committees establishing sub-committees but that Informal Member Groups will not normally be permitted;


(h)        agree that the report goes to Selection and Member Services Committee for discussion of the protocols and constitutional changes including specifically the procedure for dealing with urgent decisions between scheduled Committee meetings;


(i)         note the new relationship between the Corporate Management Team and the Cabinet;


(ji)        note the ongoing work on the Constitution and other constitutional framework/operational documents; and


(k)        note the arrangements for embedding the new arrangements in the County Council and the training of Members and officers to ensure a smooth transition to the new governance arrangements.


Supporting documents: