Agenda item

Kent Academies, Batch 2 Procurement - Wilmington Academy-Record of Decision



Cabinet – 9 July 2012







This is an unrestricted Record of Decision of a matter which was considered at the Cabinet meeting as exempt under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


Subject:   Kent Academies, Batch 2 Procurement – Wilmington Academy


1.1 The report requested Cabinet’s approval to progress the Wilmington Academy project by entering into the Design and Build Contract with the Preferred Bidder for Batch 2.


1.2 Wilmington Academy is the second scheme within KCC’s Batch 2 Academies Programme  which comprises the following Academies:


The Skinners’ Kent Academy, Tunbridge Wells, (Sample Scheme)


Wilmington Academy


Knole Academy, Sevenoaks


St Augustine Academy, Maidstone


The John Wallis Academy, Ashford


Dover Christchurch Academy


1.3 The Batch 2 Programme was procured, by KCC, using PfS’ National Framework. Following the ‘Preliminary Invitation To Tender’ (PITT) round of the competition, two finalists were invited to participate in the final ‘Invitation To Tender’ (ITT) round by designing the Sample Scheme up to RIBA Stage C. In October 2010, Wilmott Dixon Construction (WDC) was selected as the Preferred Bidder for Batch 2.


1.4  Appointing WDC as Preferred Bidder has enabled KCC to invite the Company to develop the designs for each of the remaining Batch 2 schemes, without the need to host another competitive procurement. To govern this process, a ‘Future Schools Agreement’ had been entered into by KCC and WDC. Under the terms of the ‘Future Schools Agreement’ these schemes are termed ‘Future School Schemes’, (also referred to ‘follow-on schemes’ or ‘non-sample schemes’). The Future Schools Agreement sets out the process for issuing WDC with a ‘Future Schools Notice’, which invites them to participate in the scheme.


1.5. The proposed scope of the project is 7,300m2 of new build accommodation and the retention of a significant amount of the existing buildings. The new build elements are approx 5,400m2 which includes general teaching, specialist teaching, catering facilities, library facilities, and administrative accommodation; and a Sports Centre Complex of approx 1,900m2 which includes a lecture theatre facility. The lead the Wilmington Academy is the is the fourth Academy to be sponsored by the Leigh Academy Trust and the Sponsor brings a proven educational vision to the project, which is based on the ‘schools within schools model’. This ensures that each child belongs to a ‘college’ with its own identity, Senior Leadership Team, and accommodation; whilst also benefitting from the wider specialist facilities and economies of scale that the Academy has to offer.


1.6. As a result of the Secretary of State’s July 2010 announcements, the Wilmington Academy budget was reduced to £13,959,638 (at 1st Quarter 2011 prices). As the Feasibility Study had not yet commenced when the reduced budget was announced, no affordability gap was evident. The Preferred Bidder’s interim design proposals, the Future School Scheme Proposal (FSSP) did not demonstrate an affordability gap. An affordability pressure does exist, however, in that the requirement of temporary accommodation, in order to shorten the construction programme, has not been costed by the Preferred Bidder. Discussions are ongoing between the Trust and KCC over how this shortfall can be met.



2.1 Cabinet agreed to :


(i) the Final Business Case for the Wilmington Academy being  submitted to EFA and Department of Education for final departmental approval by EFA, DFE and the Treasury;


(ii)  the Director of Property and Infrastructure be authorised on behalf of the County Council to agree final contractual terms, provided that no affordability gap occurs.


(iii) the Director of Property and Infrastructure Support in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance be authorised to enter into any necessary contracts/ agreements on behalf of the County Council, following approval to final contractual terms as set out in paragraph of the exempt report in relation to Wilmington Academy and the Future Schools Agreement: and.


(iv) The Director of Property and Infrastructure Support be authorised as the nominated Authority Representative within the relevant agreements and to enter into variations as envisaged under the contracts.




 Any interests declared when the Decision was taken:



Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information

The reasons for this decision are as set out in this Record of Decision 


Background Documents:  none