Agenda item

Excellent Homes for All - Kent Housing Private Finance Initiative - Record of Decision



Cabinet – 9 July 2012







   This is an unrestricted Record of Decision of a matter which was considered at the Cabinet meeting as exempt under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended.


Subject:   Excellent Homes for All – Kent Housing Private Finance Initiative.


1.1      In September 2008 Cabinet approved the Outline Business case for the Excellent Homes for all housing PFI project and the progression of its procurement. This report updated Cabinet on the project which was  being procured in partnership with five Kent District Council’s and would result in the provision of at least 220 new homes for vulnerable people in Kent.


1.2 The project would be reviewed will be reviewed again by the Homes and Communities Agency, the Department of Communities and Local Government and the Treasury before the Council appointed a preferred bidder and before any PFI agreement was entered into.  The review was designed to ensure that the project remained affordable and value for money, and to ensure appropriate risk share between the public and private sectors in the Project Agreement.


1.3      This matter was reported to the Health and Social Care Cabinet Committee on 10 May 2012 and a joint briefing was organised for local ward members. An Equalities Impact Assessment screening has been completed and the documentation and specification has been reviewed in line with this. The Social Care & Public Health Cabinet Committee discussed a number of questions  regarding the nomination rights under the contract, the rent setting regime for the housing, and environmental sustainability. Comments were made regarding the PFI process and the value for money of PFI deals. It was explained that progress has been made on PFI contracts since the early deals were signed and that individual projects need to be judged on their own merits.  It was resolved that the decision should be taken by the Cabinet, to agree the delegated authorities set out in the report, the use of the designated sites and to approve the required Authority annual contribution, be endorsed.


1.4           Cabinet resolved


          (i) to grant delegated authority to the Corporate Director for Families and Social Care (or other nominated officer), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to sign on behalf of the County Council all necessary contract documentation,  including the Project Agreement which would enable the project to become operational.


            (ii) grant delegate authority to the Corporate Director for Families and Social Care (or other nominated officer), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, to sign on behalf of the County Council the Back to Back Agreement to share the risks and benefits of the project with the County Council’s  District Council partners.


(iii)  to approve the use of the designated sites for the project, and;


(iv) to give approval for the required contribution from Kent County Council of £175,000 per annum for the duration of the contract period.



Reason(s) for decision, including alternatives considered and any additional information

The reasons for this decision are as set out in this Record of Decision 


Background Documents:  none