Agenda item

Kent Freedom Pass including Post 16 Transport - Decision No 13/00095


(1)       Following an extensive analysis of current provision, it was proposed to introduce a revised Freedom Pass scheme from the academic year commencing September 2014/15.   It would entail a stored value smartcard which provided a defined, pre-paid travel benefit per pupil. It was proposed to include 16-19 year olds in education or training at a lesser stored value. The new scheme would be reviewed within 6 months of commencement.


(2)  The Kent Freedom Pass was introduced in 2007 and had become highly successful in enabling young people to access education and leisure activities by bus.  The net budget for the Freedom Pass was around £13.5m, with an average benefit per pupil of £430 per annum, and future pressures on the demand for travel would increase the figure markedly at a time when the County Council needs to make unprecedented savings.  The County Council considered a petition signed by around 16,000 people earlier in the year seeking a similar travel benefit for post 16 students to that provided through the Freedom scheme for 11-16 year olds. To provide an equitable way forward, a review of concessionary travel for all academic year groups had been considered which proposed to reduce the overall benefit value provided for 11-16 year olds and to extend the proposed stored value scheme to 16-19 year olds.


(3)     Officers had considered a number of alternative schemes and the report set out the benefits of using Smartcard technology as the best mechanism for a revised scheme commencing in September 2014. It was considered that smartcards offered a very practical solution to implementing a stored value replacement for the Freedom Pass scheme. A report providing more detail on how the revised Freedom Pass scheme would work was planned to be presented to the April 2014 meeting of the Committee


(4)   The proposal was that for 11-16 year olds, for an unchanged cost of £100, users would receive a card with £350 stored value (i.e. KCC contribution £250). For 16-19 year olds, for a pass cost of £100, users would receive a card with £250 stored value (i.e. KCC contribution £150). It was estimated that it would cost £7.5m for 11-16 year olds and £1.8m for 16-19 year olds.  As now, a charge would not be made for Young Carers and Looked After Children.  Passes would be granted only to those in education or training, including apprentices.


(5)    It was proposed to introduce the schemes in September 2014 to coincide with the new academic year. A review would take place after 6 months as it was essential that savings were not negated by an unaffordable degree of take-up.


(6)     During debate Members expressed concern with the effect on those parents who had already chosen a school with the Freedom Pass in mind; and the lack of an Equality Impact Assessment being carried out.  Mr Burr stated that an Equality Impact Assessment was being carried out, though this was not mandatory given that the Freedom Pass was a discretionary service.


(7)     Mr Caller moved, Dr Eddy seconded the following amendment to the wording of the recommendation in the report:-


(a)            that the proposal set out in 3.4 of the paper be sent to full Council  on 13 February 2014 to enable an all member consideration, debate and decision;


(b)             that  Members be provided with fuller details including costing of the options considered under “extensive analysis” that is referred to in paragraph 1.1 of the paper; and


(c)              that a further option be explored that restricts use of the revised Freedom Pass to school days only.


For – 6


Mr M Baldock, Mr R Bird, Mr L Burgess, Mr C Caller, Dr M Eddy and Mr M Whybrow


Against – 7


Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mrs S Hohler, Mr J Ozog, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell and Mr M Wickham



(8)     RESOLVED that:-


          (a)          the proposal to introduce a stored value smartcard providing £350 value for 11-16 year olds and £250 for 16-19 year olds, with both at a cost of £100, be endorsed;


          (b)          a review of the scheme after 6 months, be supported; and


          (c)          a report updating Members on the more detailed operational issues of the scheme be submitted to the April 2014 meeting of the Committee


For – 7


Mr M Angell, Mr M Balfour, Mrs S Hohler, Mr J Ozog, Mr C Simkins, Mrs P Stockell and Mr M Wickham


Against – 6


Mr M Baldock, Mr R Bird, Mr L Burgess, Mr C Caller, Dr M Eddy and Mr M Whybrow

