Agenda item

Proposal SW/14/153 (KCC/SW/0025/2014) - Proposal for the construction of a two form entry primary school - Land at Tunstall Road, Tunstall, Sittingbourne.


(1)       The Chairman declared that all Members of the Committee had been extensively lobbied, particularly by opponents of the Proposal. It was unnecessary for any individual Member to make a declaration to this effect unless such lobbying had been by a family member or a close personal acquaintance. 


(2)       Mr M Baldock informed the Committee that he was a member of the Sittingbourne Society who had submitted views on the Proposal. He had not, however, participated in any of the Society’s discussions on this matter and was therefore able to approach the determination of the Proposal with a fresh mind.


(3)       Mr A H T Bowles, Mr L Burgess and Mr R Truelove were present for this item pursuant to Committee Procedure 2.27 and spoke.


(4)       Correspondence from CPRE, the Sittingbourne Society and the Swale Footpaths Group had been circulated to the Committee prior to the meeting, as well as 7 more representations from previous correspondents continuing to object to the proposal. .


(5)     The Head of Planning Applications Group reported additional representations from Gordon Henderson, MP, Rodmersham PC, a Planning Barrister from Radcliffes LeBrasseur on behalf of “Protect Tunstall”, and 5 local residents in opposition to the Proposal.


(6)       Mrs S Senior (Protect Tunstall) and Mrs A Spicer (Tunstall PC) addressed the Committee in opposition to the Proposal. Mr S Harwood spoke in favour on behalf of local supporters of the application including “Tunstall Mums”. Mr R Stevenson (John Bishop and Associates) spoke in reply on behalf of the applicants.


(7)       The Senior Solicitor referred to a letter from Mr Trevor Standen from RadcliffeLeBrasseur which stated that it was possible for an earlier malfeasance to taint a subsequent resolution to grant planning permission. She advised the Committee that there had in this case not been any actual fact of malfeasance.


(8)       Mr R J Parry moved, seconded by Mr C P Smith that the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group be agreed.


(9)       Mr R J Parry and his Seconder accepted the inclusion of an additional condition requiring an archaeological report as part of the motion.


(10)     Mr I S Chittenden moved, seconded by Mr M Baldock the following amendment:


“That the decision be deferred to enable further information to be gathered for the Committee’s consideration in relation to parking restrictions on local roads and details of provision at the access road into the school to mitigate traffic delays, and to clarify details of the safe provision of safe walking routes on the approach to the site.”

                        Lost 5 votes to 12 with 2 abstentions.


(11)     On being put to the vote, the motion set out in (8) above as amended in (9) above was carried by 13 votes to 6.


(12)     Mr M Baldock asked, pursuant to Committee Procedure Rule 2.26 (3) that his vote against the decision of the Committee be recorded.


(13)     RESOLVED that subject to a Memorandum of Undertaking by the applicant to address Swale Borough Council’s concerns regarding parking restrictions on residential roads around the school, should this be deemed necessary:-


(a)       permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard 5 year time limit; the development being carried out in accordance with the permitted details; the submission of details of all materials to be used externally; the submission for approval of a scheme of native species landscaping, including hard surfacing, its implementation and maintenance; the submission of a Tree Protection Plan and an Arboricultural Method Statement; the submission of measures to protect those trees that are to be retained; no tree removal taking place during the bird breeding season; the inclusion of ecological enhancement measures and their appropriate management within the landscape strategy; the development according with the recommendations of the ecology survey; hours of working during construction being restricted to between 0800 and 1800 Mondays to Fridays and between the hours of 0900 and 1300 on Saturdays, with no operations on Sundays and Bank Holidays; visibility splays at the pedestrian crossing points measuring 2.0m from the back of the footway; the proposed new footway to the east of the access being widened to 2.0m from the proposed 1.5m footway; the submission of a Construction Management Plan, including access, parking and circulation within the site for contractors and other vehicles related to construction and demolition operations; the submission of measures to prevent mud and debris being taken onto the public highway; the completion and updating of the School Travel Plan once the school has been relocated; any fencing between the informal path (to the east of the site) and proposed school grounds not being solid and being set back, with any planting in the vicinity of the informal path being at least 1m away from the boundary; the submission for approval of a maintenance plan for sustainable drainage features specifically be prepared and submitted for approval; the submission of a remediation strategy to deal with the risks associated with any potential contamination of the site, including any previously unidentified contamination found to be present; the submission of measures to ensure no infiltration of surface water drainage; the submission of a detailed drainage design for approved prior to the commencement of the development; only lighting approved as part of this application being permitted at the proposed school; no other lighting, including floodlighting of the MUGA’s being installed on this site without recourse to a further planning application; the School to be phased in terms of pupil’s numbers (one additional form of entry of pupils over a 7 year period) as outlined in the planning application; and the submission of an archaeological report; and 


(b)       the applicants be advised by Informative that the revised Travel Plan should be registered with the County Council’s new School Travel Plan website (‘Jambusters’) by accessing the following link, to assist with the updating, monitoring and future reviews of the Travel Plan.


Supporting documents: