Agenda item

Verbal updates

To receive verbal updates from the Cabinet Member for Adults Social Services and Public Health  and the Corporate Director of Social Care, Health and Wellbeing



1.            Mr G K Gibbens gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


Adult Social Care:


Since the last meeting of the Committee, Mr Gibbens had taken two key decisions and attended four events:-

Gravesend Social Education Centre Modernisation – 12 June

Dover Learning Disability Day Services – 16 May

09 May attended South East Mental Health Commissioning Network in Guildford

24 June attended South East Care Bill consultation event in London

27 June attended Voluntary Sector Conference in Lenham

02 July attended Accommodation Strategy Launch in Hollingbourne


In response to a question about the Care Act, Mr Gibbens said there would be much work involved in preparing the County Council’s response to the consultation.  For example, there would be a transition workshop to look at issues facing young people aged 18+. Mr Ireland added that the Act brought a huge change to the legislative base of the County Council’s social care work.


Public Health:


Mr Gibbens explained that he would report public health updates to both the Children’s and Adult Social Care and Health Cabinet Committees unless any item was specifically related only to one or the other. He asked Members to advise him if they wished him to take any other approach.


Kent Alcohol Strategy 2014-16 – 16 May

Contract Award for Medway Adult Substance Misuse Treatment Services – 13 June

04 June attended Public Health Champions celebration event in Maidstone – the County Council had been a Public Health Champion for the last 3/4 years

17 June attended West Kent Healthy Business Launch in Brands Hatch

17 June attended Healthy Living Programme event in Wrotham

9 July will attend Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing summit in Gravesend

Public Health England conference, September 2014 – the County Council had a place at this conference and Mr Gibbens would be speaking there.


2.            Mr A Ireland gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


Health Integration Update including national recognition of the work in Kent and Health Minister Norman Lamb’s visiton 10 July – Kent was one of 14 local authorities with health pioneer status and was working to overcome obstacles to integration, eg with the voluntary sector, to address social isolation and loneliness.


Launch of the Accommodation Strategy – 2 July

Engagement with the third sector on Community Services


In responding to a question about NHS funding to accompany the services which had transferred from it to the County Council, Mr Ireland explained that the key funding was in the form of the Better Care Fund.  There was anxiety among local authorities about funding being sufficient to meet needs, and what could be put in place in terms of contingency. A presentation on the Better Care Fund would be made to the Committee’s September meeting.


3.            Mr A Scott-Clark gave a verbal update on the following issues:-


Public Health Champions  - a ‘What is Public Health?’ seminar with Medway Council had been well attended and would help to spread understanding among partner orgs about public health issues.

Migrant Health Charity in Dover – this charity worked with vulnerable members of the community, especially those who had been trafficked.  There were three areas of future work in this field:- increasing links to CCGs and GPs, making best use of the ‘6 ways to wellbeing’ initiative and addressing workplace health.

Role lead for Health Protection – the health protection role sought to raise awareness of issues relating to ongoing global outbreaks, such as of the ebola virus, using regular updates from Public Health England and by liaising with GPs.

Joint working with Local Authorities in South East – this would seek to address major issues, eg tobacco control, in partnership with Public Health England.




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