Agenda item

Proposal 14/500221 (KCC/SW/0143/2014) - creation of a 2 f.e. primary school, including a two storey building, hard and soft playing pitches, vehicular access way and on-site drop-off area, car parking cycle parking spaces, together with hard and soft landscaping on Land at Thistle Hill, Minster-on-Sea; KCC Property and Infrastructure Support


(1)          Mr A D Crowther was present for this item pursuant to Committee Procedure Rule 2.27 and spoke.


(2)          Mr James Robson from HazleMcCormackYoung LLPhad been invited to the meeting to reply to the comments made by a representative from Minster-on-Sea PC who had registered as a public speaker. Although this representative was not present at the meeting, the Chairman agreed to vary the Committee’s normal procedures and invited Mr Robson to address the Committee on the design of the proposed building.


(3)      During discussion of this item, it was agreed that if permission were granted, the landscaping scheme would include a range of advanced species and that there would be an Informative advising that the applicants should explore the possibility of additional environmental features such as solar panels and the potential for rainwater harvesting.


(4)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group (as amended in (3) above) were agreed by 16 votes to 3.


(5)       Mr M Baldock, Mr L Burgess and Mr T L Shonk requested pursuant to Committee Procedure 2.36 (3) that their vote against granting planning permission be recorded.


(6)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)       permission be granted to the Proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard 5 year time limit; the development being carried out in accordance with the permitted details; the submission and approval of details of all construction materials to be used externally; the submission of a School Travel Plan within 6 months of occupation and its ongoing review; measures being taken to prevent mud and debris being deposited on the public highway; hours of working during construction being restricted to between the hours of 0800 and 1800 on Mondays to Fridays and between the hours of 0900 and 1300 on Saturdays with no operations on Sundays or Bank Holidays;  the submission of a Construction Management Plan providing details of access, parking and circulation within the site for contractors, site personnel and other operatives, and management of the site access to avoid peak school times; the access being provided prior to occupation and being retained thereafter and used for no other purpose;  the cycle parking being provided prior to occupation and being permanently retained thereafter; the submission of a landscaping scheme for approval by the County Planning Authority, including a range of advanced species; the replanting of any trees and shrubs that die within 5 years of planting; the submission of details of the Swale and Ecology Garden; and the submission of details of any external lighting for written approval by the County Planning Authority;  and

(b)       the applicants be advised by Informative:-


(i)            to register the School Travel Plan with Kent County Council through the “Jambusters” website following the link;


(ii)          to adhere to the Bat Conservation Trust’s guidance in relation to external lighting;


(iii)         that the design of the MUGA should be in accordance with Sport England’s guidance;


(iv)         that foul drainage should be discharged to the mains sewer;


(v)          that all necessary highway approvals and consents should be obtained; and


(vi)         to explore the possibility of additional environmental enhancements such as solar panels and the potential for rainwater harvesting.




Supporting documents: