Agenda item

Proposals TW/14/0127 (KCC/TW/0368/2013) and TW/14/0129 (KCC/TW/03702013)

TW/14/0127: Section 73 application to vary Conditions 2, 17 and 18 of Permission TW/12/1442 for the new primary school to secure amendments in the form of a reduced car park area and revised access arrangements at Land south of Rolvenden Road, Benenden; KCC Property and Infrastructure Support; and


TW/14/0129: Extension of existing Village Hall car park including resurfacing, landscaping and relocation of existing equipped play area at Village Hall, The Street, Benenden; KCC Property and Infrastructure Support.


(1)       The Head of Planning Applications Group tabled revised recommendations which applied separately to each of the two proposals.   


(2)       The Committee noted in respect of paragraph 2 of the report that the village sports field was not to become the new school playing field.


(3)       The Head of Planning Applications Group reported the comments of the Local Member, Mr S Holden in support of the proposals.


(4)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)          permission be granted to Proposal TW/14/0127 subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard time limit; the development being carried out in accordance with the permitted details;  the development only being implemented in parallel with Permission TW/14/0129; all planning conditions attached to Permission TW/12/1442 being maintained (including a landscaping scheme, tree protection measures and a drainage scheme); the vehicular access, turning areas and parking spaces shown on Drawing 19625A 11 Rev F being provided before the development is first occupied or brought into use; implementation of the visibility splays as shown in drawing T0155/SK015/P1of the Transport Statement addendum; implementation of parking controls/bus cage to prevent any overspill parking taking place within the visibility splays; the submission and approval of details of a surface water drainage scheme; hours of working during construction and demolition being restricted to between 0800 and 1800 on Mondays to Fridays and between the hours of 0900 and 1300 on Saturdays with no operations on Sundays and Bank Holidays; a construction management strategy, including access, lorry parking and circulation within the site for contractor’s and other vehicles related to construction and demolition operations; and measures to prevent mud and debris being taken onto the public highway;


(b)       the applicant be advised by Informative that, in respect of Proposal TW/14/0127 their attention is drawn to:-


(i)            the letter from KCC Highways and Transportation in which it is noted that it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary highway approvals and consents are obtained and;


(ii)          the letter from the KCC Landscape Officer regarding landscaping details for the new site;


(c)     permission be granted to Proposal TW/14/00129 subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard time limit; the development being carried out in accordance with the permitted details; the development only being implemented in parallel with Permission TW/14/0127; details of surfacing materials; provision and retention of access, the drop-off/pick-up facility and circular routes; a scheme pf landscaping, including hard surfacing, its implementation and maintenance; measures to protect those trees that are to be retained; the playing field being marked out with the pitch layout as shown on the amended plan (Outline Site Plan 19625A 23 Rev F); the implementation of visibility splays as shown in Drawing T0155/SK015/P1 of the Transport Statement addendum; implementation of parking controls/bus cage to prevent any overspill parking taking place within the visibility splays; the submission and approval of details of a surface water drainage scheme; hours of working during construction and demolition being restricted to between 0800 and 1800 on Mondays to Fridays and between the hours of 0900 and 1300 on Saturdays with no operations on Sundays and Bank Holidays; a construction management strategy, including access, lorry routing, parking and circulation within the site for contractor’s and other vehicles related to construction and demolition operations; and measures to prevent mud and debris being taken onto the public highway; and


(d)     the applicant be advised by Informative that, in respect of Proposal TW/14/0129 their attention is drawn to:-


(iii)         the letter from KCC Highways and Transportation in which it is noted that it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all necessary highway approvals and consents are obtained and;


(iv)         the letter from the KCC Landscape Officer regarding landscaping details for the new site;




Supporting documents: