Agenda item

Verbal updates

To receive a verbal update by the relevant Cabinet Members and the Corporate Director for the Education and Young People’s Services portfolio.



1.            The Cabinet Members, Mr Gough, Mr Hill and Deputy Cabinet Member Mr Lymer; and the Corporate Director, Mr Leeson, gave their verbal updates highlighting the following:


2.            Mr Gough advised that the draft Policy on Elective Home Education Policy had been reviewed in light of concerns raised and the refreshed Policy was approved by Cabinet.


3.            Further to Minute 100 paragraph (4) 2015 regarding the role of the Local Government Ombudsman addressing complaints by School Governors.  Mr Gough advised that the Leader of the County Council, Mr Carter  had written to the Minister Ben Watts who was now looking at the procedures of complaints.


4.            Mr Gough referred to the letter he sent to all Members of the County Council regarding the complex position of The Royal School for the Deaf, Margate.  He advised that there had been a positive response to find suitable alternative placements for 20 Kent Children.


5.            Members noted that much of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Strategy had been delivered although needs continued to grow.


6.            Mr Hill explained that Phase I of Troubled Families had now finished.  As a result 2500 families had been supported the challenge now was supporting 9000k families over the next 5 years with reduced funding and with the existing personnel.   He concluded advising that a successful The Troubled Families Conference was held on 14 October 2015.  Members would receive a report on progress of the Troubled Families at a future meeting.


7.            A new Youth Club had been opened in Deal, which Mr Hill considered encouraging and important, in an excellent location next to the Local Sport Centre.


8.            Members noted that Triangular Awards had a successful evening on 6 December.


9.            Mr Lymer gave an update on the work and events carried out and attended by Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services, Mr Oakford, since the last meeting of this Cabinet Committee.  Mr Lymer advised that the Leader of The County Council, Mr Carter accompanied by the Corporate Director, Mr Ireland and the Cabinet Member, Mr Oakford attended a meeting with government representatives to discuss Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) in Kent.  There was an agreement reached for the dispersal of UASC children.  KCC was also asked to comment on the draft  Care of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking  and trafficked Children Bill.


10.         Members noted following a review in September on the LILAC Standards six of the seven were passed.


11.         Members noted that Mr Oakford had visited seven Kent Childrens’ homes since the last meeting of this Committee. He was to attend the National Voice Corporate Parenting Week later in this year.


12.         Mr Leeson gave his verbal update.  He advised Members of the Ofsted outcomes as follows:


84% of schools were good or outstanding

84% Primary schools

83% Secondary schools

91% Special Schools

84% of Young People were being education in a good or outstanding school. 


13.         This was an upward trend although there were variations across the county.  He was encouraged by the 47 schools inspected since the start of this school year, 87% were judged to be good or outstanding.  However there were variations in the performance of Primary schools.  The best were in Ashford and Dover, with Primary schools performing less well Gravesend.   The variations in Secondary Schools across Kent were wide.  All Secondary schools in Tonbridge and Malling were good or outstanding only four of the nine Secondary Schools in Dover were good or outstanding.  Work continued to be carried out to support their improvement.


14.         Mr Leeson referred to the tabled document “Health Needs Education Services Prospectus”. The document sets out the organisation of the countywide service for The Health Needs PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) Service to meet the needs of Kent schools in all areas of the County.  A full report would be submitted to a future meeting of this Cabinet Committee.


15.         Mr Gough, Mr Hill, Mr Lymer and Mr Leeson responded to questions by Members as follows:


a)    Mr Gough advised that when an elective home education situation was judged to be unsatisfactory there were a wide range of interventions and the ultimate was to issue a School Attendance Order.    The Local Authority had a responsibility to intervene where suitable education was not being provided.  Mr Gough explained that the main concern was for a certain group that had poor attendance at school and those that had been excluded that had transferred to Elective Home Education.  He was keen that this group did not drop out of education. Mr Leeson advised that this was a robust Policy that covered Kent’s responsibilities.

b)    Mr Gough was thanked for the letter sent to Members regarding the Royal School for Deaf in Dover and appreciation was given to work carried out to support the Kent children involved.  Mr Gough advised that KCC was aware of the financial pressures in the Summer of this year and had supported the Trust to secure a bank loan.  The Care Quality Commission intervened to take the young adults out of the Trust’s care and this precipitated the final outcome.  He agreed to keep Members informed. 

c)    Mr Hill advised that for the Troubled Families there had been 100% turnaround in the first phase.  The government had now trebled the number of families that were to be helped to near 9000 with a reduced budget of £1800 per family.  He considered that with reduced resources the services was going to be pushed to achieve its goals of this excellent scheme.

d)    A comment was made that the new Youth Club in Deal was situated in an excellent position and was welcomed.  It was highlighted that there was still a need for Youth Clubs in deprived areas in Dover.

e)    Mr Lymer agreed that UASC needed to be assessed quickly and this should be achieved with the government’s dispersal of those children.

f)     Mr Gough advised that unregistered schools were a matter for Ofsted.

g)    Mr Hill agreed to submit a report on Youth Activity to a future meeting of this Cabinet Committee.


16.         RESOLVED that:-


(a)  the responses to questions by Members and the information given in the verbal updates be noted with thanks;


(b)  a report on Youth Activities be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee as requested; and


(c)  Members be kept informed on The Royal School for the Deaf, Margate.