Agenda item

Proposal 15/503584/COUNTY (KCC/SW/0123/2015) - Relocation of Halfway Houses Primary School including expansion from two form entry to three form entry at Land at Danley Road, Sheerness.


(1)       Mr M Baldock informed the Committee that he was a Member of Swale BC’s Planning Committee. He had not taken part in any discussion of the application in this forum and was able to approach its determination with a fresh mind.


(2)       Mr T A Maddison informed the Committee reported the views of the Local Member, Ms A Harrison. She broadly supported the application but drew the Committee’s attention to the need to ensure that traffic congestion was properly ameliorated.


(3)       In agreeing the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group, the Committee included an additional Informative strongly recommending that the applicants should explore the scope for the incorporation of photovoltaic panels on the roofing as a means of harnessing renewable energy for the development.


(4)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)       permission be granted to the Proposal subject to the receipt of no additional issues from Swale BC that have not already been addressed in the report; the payment of appropriate funds for the progression of a Traffic Regulation Order to create a formal one-way system to Danley Road; and to the imposition conditions, including conditions covering the standard 5 year time limit; the development being carried out in accordance with the permitted details; the submission and approval of details of all construction materials to be used externally; the advertisement of a Traffic Regulation Order required to make Danley Road within 2 months of the commencement of development; the submission of a School Travel Plan prior to occupation of the new school and its

ongoing review; measures being taken to prevent mud and debris being deposited on the public highway; hours of working during construction being restricted to between the hours of 0800 and 1800 on Mondays to Fridays and between the hours of 0900 and 1300 on Saturdays, with no operations on Sundays or Bank Holidays; the submission of a Construction Management Plan providing details of how the site access would be managed, details of the methods and hours of working, location of site compounds and operative/visitor parking, details of site security and safety measures, lorry waiting and wheel washing facilities and details of any construction access; the provision of the on-site parking areas prior to occupation of the school and their

retention thereafter; the provision of cycle parking prior to the occupation of the school; the provision of 2m x 2m pedestrian visibility splays at the access with no obstruction over 0.6m from the footway level, and that this be maintained thereafter; the submission of a fully detailed sustainable surface water drainage scheme for the site and the written approval of such a scheme and its ongoing maintenance; the submission of a native species landscape scheme to supplement details submitted with the application, and details of a maintenance scheme for such landscaping; the relocation of all reptiles from the site to the area indicated on drawing number 3344_SK_014 being undertaken in accordance with the ecological report submitted; prior to the commencement of the development; the submission of a detailed lighting design strategy for written approval prior to occupation of the school; and the submission and written approval of a specification for a programme of archaeological work; and


(b)        the applicants be notified by Informative:-


(i)            to register the School Travel Plan with Kent County Council through the “Jambusters” website; 


(ii)          to submit a memorandum of Understanding confirming that the funds required for the Traffic Regulation Order to change Danley Road to one-way only, of £3,000 together with those required for the associated highway improvement works and signage  will be submitted to the County Highway Authority;


(iii)         of the need to ensure that all necessary highway approvals and consents are obtained; and


(iv)         of the Committee’s strong recommendation that they should explore the scope for the incorporation of photovoltaic panels on the proposed roofing as a means of harnessing renewable energy for the development.



Supporting documents: