Agenda item

Application SW/15/500348 (KCC/SW/0010/2015) - Installation of an advanced thermal conversion and energy facility at Land off Barge Way, Kemsley Fields Business Park, Kemsley; 4Evergreen Technologies Ltd


(1)          Mr M Baldock informed the Committee that he was a Member of Swale BC’s Planning Committee which had considered this application as a statutory consultee. He had not taken part in the discussion or voted on the Borough Council’s response to the consultation and was consequently able to approach the determination of this application with a fresh mind.


(2)          The Committee agreed to strengthen the landscaping condition and to add two Informatives. These are set out in (5) below.


(3)          On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were carried as amended in (2) above by 17 votes to 2.


(4)          Mr M Baldock and Mr L Burgess asked pursuant to Committee Procedure Rule 2.26 (3) that their votes against the decision of the Committee be recorded.


(5)          RESOLVED thatsubject to the satisfactorycompletionof aLegal Agreementto secure the translocation ofprotected species from the site to an offsite receptorsite:-


(a)       permission be granted to the Application subject toconditions, including conditions covering the restriction of tonnages to 48,000per annum;  a restrictionon dailyvehicle movements to 20 per day; the submission of detailsof parking forsitepersonnel, operativesand visitors;  the provision of vehicleparkingand turningspace details; precautionstoguardagainstthedepositof mudand similarsubstanceson the publichighway;  the accessdetailsbeing completedpriorto thecommencement of operations;  deliveries beingrestrictedto0700-1900 on MondaystoFridays and0730-1730on Saturdaysand Sundays; constructionoperationstakingplacebetween thehoursof 0700–1900 on Mondays toFridaysand 0730–1730on Saturdaysand Sundays;  the submission of a remediationstrategyifcontaminationisfoundpresentat the site; dust  mitigation  measures  being  secured  as  set out in  section  6.1.2  of  the  Dust Assessmentreceived on 13 April 2015and includedin theConstruction Environmental Management Plan;  noiselimitrestrictions; all materials being handledwithinan enclosedbuilding; theinstallationof a1.8mhighnoisebarrieralongthesouthernsiteboundary before thebeginningof theoperationof theproposedfacility; a2m highnoisebarriersurroundingthesiteboundaryforthedurationof the constructionworks; the submissionof a revisedlandscapingscheme to include the boundary of the site onto Barge Way and the proposed Biodiversity Area, including the use of native species and the provision of maintenance for a minimum of five years; and the  results of reptile monitoring being submitted to the Local Planning Authority as set out in the revised Reptile & Amphibian Method Statement received on 12 June 2015; and


(b)       the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)           in preparing details to satisfy the landscaping condition, they should explore the potential for a landscaping strip adjacent to Barge Way; and


(ii)          they should explore the opportunity for use of local labour and apprenticeships in construction and operation of the development.

Supporting documents: