Agenda item

Proposal AS/15/648 (KCC/AS/0121/2015) - 2 f.e. primary school comprising a two storey building, access, car parking and pick-up/drop-off bays, external play areas, including a Multi Use Games Area, informal play area and grass play fielding, and hard and soft landscaping at Land at Finberry Village, Mersham, Ashford; KCC Property and Infrastructure Support.


(1)       Mr J M Wedgbury informed the Committee that he was a Member of both Ashford BC and Kingsnorth PC.  He had not taken part in the consideration of this proposal by either authority and was therefore able to approach its determination with a fresh mind. 


(2)       Mr M J Angell informed the Committee that he was the Local Member for this proposal, but not for the associated housing development.  He had not given his views on the proposal and was able to approach its determination with a fresh mind.


(3)       The Head of Planning Applications Group tabled late representations from Charles Russell Speechlys LLP on behalf of the Church Commissioners. This reaffirmed their objections to the proposal.


(4)       The Head of Planning Applications Group asked the Committee to strengthen the landscaping condition requiring the applicants to pay particular regard to enhancing the frontage of the school site.  This was agreed.


(5)       On being put to the vote, the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group were agreed by 15 votes to 0 with 1 abstention.


(6)        RESOLVED that:-


(a)       permission be granted to proposal subject toconditions, includingconditionscovering the standardtimelimitforimplementation; the development being carriedoutinaccordancewith thepermitteddetails; the  submission  and  approval  of  details  of  all  materials  to  be  used  externally, includingdetailsofjoinery,colour finishes,depth of reveals,detailsofthejointingof thecladdingpanelsand 1:50elevationsand crosssectionsoftheprojectingwindow boxes; the submissionand approvalof detailsof the sprinkler tankand binstore; thesubmissionand approvalof detailsoftheextractionflue,includinga maintenance schedule; thesubmissionand approvalof detailsofallexternallighting,includinghoursof operation; the submissionand approvalof aschemeoflandscaping,includingtreeplanting,soft landscaping,ecologicalenhancements,hardsurfacing,itsimplementation and maintenance, with particular regard to enhancing the frontage of the school site; the development according  with  the  recommendations  of  the  ecological  surveys, includinga toolbox talktocontractorsregardingprotectedspeciespriorto the commencementof the development; the submissionand approvalof detailsofallgates, fencesand meansof enclosure; thesubmission  and approvalof  detailsof  externalseatingand externalseating areas; thesubmissionand approvalof detailsofon-sitecycleparking, and its subsequent provisionand retention; the  submission  and  approval  of  a  School  Travel  Plan  within  six  months  of occupation, and its ongoing monitoringand review thereafter; the submissionand approvalof adetailedcar parkinglayoutplanshowinghow the carparkingwouldbe allocatedon site; provisionand retentionofcarparking,cycleparking,access,circulatoryroutesand turningareas; the provisionofthevehicularand pedestrianaccesspointsintotheschoolsiteprior tooccupation; the developmentmeetingthesustainabledesignstandardssetout intheapplication documents; details of groundlevelsand finishedfloor levels; thesubmission  and  approvalof  adetailedSustainableSurfaceWater  Drainage Scheme, anddetailsofitsimplementation, maintenanceand management; control of infiltrationofsurfacewaterdrainage; hoursofworkingduringconstructionand demolitionbeingrestrictedtobetween0800 and 1800 on Mondays toFridaysand betweenthe hoursof0900 and 1300 on Saturdays, withno operationson Sundaysand BankHolidays; the submissionofa ConstructionManagementStrategy,includingthelocationofsite compoundand operativeparking,wheelwashing/cleaningfacilities,and detailsofthe constructionaccessand management of the siteaccess; and measurestopreventmudand debrisbeing takenontothepublichighway; and


(b)          the  applicant  be advised by Informative that:-


(i)           theirattentionisdrawntotheletterfromHighwaysand Transportationin which  it  is  noted  that  it  is  the  responsibility  of  the  applicant  to  ensure  that  all necessaryhighwayapprovalsand consentswhere requiredareobtained;


(ii)          they are advised to registerwithKentCountyCouncil'sTravel PlanManagementsystemJambusters’;  


(iii)         as stated in theletterfromtheEnvironmentAgency,account shouldbe takenofthetheiradviceregardingtheRiverStourand Ruckinge Dyke,  and that they should  register  with  the  Environment  Agencys  Flood  Warnings  Direct Service; and


(iv)         they are advisedthattheSustainable Water Drainage Scheme cannot bedetermineduntilsuch timeas itcanbe clearly demonstrated  that  the  required  connection  to  the  wider  network  is  available  to convey  the  water  away  from  the  site,  and  that  Crest Nicholsonhaveconstructedthedown-streamattenuationfeaturesand are readytoreceive thesitesdischarge.



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