Agenda item

Proposal TM/16/00853/CR3 (KCC/TM/0031/2016) - New 2 form entry primary school , car park, playground and playing fields at Land adjacent to Hall Road, Wouldham; KCC Property and Infrastructure Support


(1)       Mr P J Homewood was present for this item pursuant to Committee Procedure Rule 2.27 and spoke.


(2)       Mrs G Goode (Wouldham PC) addressed the Committee. Mr G Meeds (KCC Property and Infrastructure Support) spoke in reply as the applicant. 


(3)       In agreeing the recommendations of the Head of Planning Applications Group the Committee strengthened the Informative set out in (4) (b) (viii) below and added an Informative strongly encouraging the School to explore the potential for pre-school provision. 


(4)       RESOLVED that:-


(a)          permission be granted to the proposal subject to conditions, including conditions covering the standard5 year timelimit; the development being carried outin accordance with the permitteddetails; the  submissionand  approvalof  detailsof  all  constructionmaterialstobe used externally; hoursofworkingduringconstructionbeingrestrictedtobetweenthehoursof0800 and1800 on MondaystoFridaysandbetweenthehoursof0900and1300on Saturdays with no operationson Sundaysor BankHolidays;    thesubmissionofa ConstructionManagementPlanprovidingdetailsofthe routingofconstructionanddeliveryvehiclestoandfromthesite;thelocationof parking  and  turning  areas  for  construction  and  delivery  vehicles, site personnelandvisitors;theprovisionof wheelwashingfacilities, temporarytraffic managementandsignage; the  ecological  enhancements  recommended  in  the  Ecological  Appraisal  being implementedthroughthelandscape scheme; the sitebeing clearedoutside of the breeding bird season;   the  submission  of  details  of  vegetation  clearance in orderto  provide  a  precautionary approachin respect of GreatCrestedNewts; the submission of archaeologicalfield evaluationworks; no further development taking place if previously unidentified contamination is foundonsiteuntil aremediation strategyhasbeenfound; noinfiltrationofsurface waterdrainageinto thesite taking placewithoutthewrittenconsentofthe County Planning Authority;  themeansoffoulandsurfacewaterseweragedisposalbeing agreedwiththeCounty Planning Authority in consultationwith SouthernWater;  theprovisionofa raisedzebracrossingpriortooccupationoftheschoolbetween the drop offzone and the school buildings in accordance with detailsto besubmitted; the gatesbeing openawayfromthehighwayand being set backa minimum of 5.5mfrom the edgeofthecarriageway; detailsof SchoolKeepClearparkingrestrictionsandtrafficsignsbeingsubmitted, approved and provided priorto occupation of the school; the completionand maintenanceofthe accessshownon the planspriorto theuse ofthe site commencing; the provisionandmaintenanceofthevisibilitysplays,withno restrictionsover0.6m above carriagewaylevelwithin the splayspriortotheoccupation of the school; theprovisionandpermanentretentionofthecycleparkingfacilitiespriortothe occupation of the school;  thegradientoftheaccessbeingno steeperthan1 in10 forthefirst1.5mfromthe highwayboundaryand nosteeper than 1 in 8thereafter; theprovisionandmaintenanceof2m x2m pedestrianvisibilitysplaysbehindthe footwayon bothsidesoftheaccess,withno obstructionover0.6mabovefootway level,prior to theoccupation of the school; thesubmissionofa SchoolTravelPlanwithin3 monthsoftheoccupationof the school and itsongoingannual reviewfora period of 5 years; thesubmissionofa fullydetailedsustainablesurfacewaterdrainageschemeforthe sitepriortocommencementofdevelopment,together with thewrittenapprovalof sucha schemeand itson-going maintenance priorto occupation of the extension; and  thesubmissionofa nativespecieslandscapeschemethatsupportsbiodiversitytogether with detailsofa maintenanceschemeforsuch landscaping to ensurethe establishment of the plantingandits management in order to benefitbiodiversity; and


(b)        the applicants be advised by Informative that:-


(i)     they should register the School Travel Plan withKent  CountyCouncilthrough theJambusters” website;


(ii)       they should ensure thatallnecessaryhighwayapprovalsandconsentsare obtained;


(iii)      the developmentshouldtakeaccountoftheBatConservationTrustsBatsand LightingintheUKguidance;


(iv)     they should be awareof theadditionalinformationprovidedbytheEnvironment Agencyregarding the drainageand waste to be takenoff site;


(v)      a wastewatergrease trap should beprovided onthekitchen wastepipe or drain;


(vi)    they areencouragedtoimplementa ventilationsystem  fortheremovaland treatmentof cooking odours;


(vii)    theschoolshouldencourageparentstoswitchoff theirenginesifstationarytoavoid pollutionfromidling engines;


(viii)  they are  strongly encouraged to pursue the proposals for pedestrian and cycle routes from Wouldham to the new school with the Parish Council, including a pedestrian route across the recreation ground and a safe crossing of Knowle Road;  and


(ix)      the School is strongly encouraged to explore the potential for pre-school provision.



Supporting documents: